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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Aberdeen City Centre - Developing a Vision for the Future - OCE/10/010'

  • Councillor George Adam, the Lord Provost - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Adam declared interests as a member of the Board of Peacock Printmakers Ltd and as a member of the Board of Aberdeen Performing Arts. Councillor Adam considered that the nature of his first interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon.
  • Councillor Ian Yuill - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Yuill declared interests in the following item of business as a member of the Board of Peacock Printmakers Ltd and due to his external involvement with Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce. Councillor Yuill considered that the nature of his first interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon.
  • Councillor James Hunter - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Hunter declared interests as a member of the Board of Peacock Printmakers Ltd and as a Council representative on the Peacock Visual Arts Project Board. Councillor Hunter considered that the nature of his first interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon.
  • Councillor John Stewart - Non Pecuniary - Councillor John Stewart declared an interest as the Council’s representative on ACSEF but did not consider that this interest required him to leave the meeting.
  • Councillor Kevin Stewart MSP - Non Pecuniary - During the course of the debate which followed, Councillor Kevin Stewart declared an interest as Chairperson of NESTRANS but did not consider that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting.
  • Councillor Kirsty Blackman - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Jennifer Stewart and Kirsty West declared interests as Council representatives on the Peacock Visual Arts Project Board but did not consider that this required them to leave the meeting.
  • Councillor Mrs Jennifer Stewart - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Jennifer Stewart and Kirsty West declared interests as Council representatives on the Peacock Visual Arts Project Board but did not consider that this required them to leave the meeting. During the course of the debate which followed, Councillor Jennifer Stewart declared an interest by virtue of her being on the Council waiting list for an allotment but did not consider that the nature of her interest required her to leave the meeting.