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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of interest'

  • Councillor Alexander McLellan - - Councillor McLellan declared an interest in relation to item 10.12 on the agenda, Food Insecurity report, as he was a member of the Fair Aberdeen Fund Board. Councillor McLellan did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item.
  • Councillor Lesley Dunbar - - Councillor Lesley Dunbar declared an interest in relation to item 10.12 on the agenda, Food Insecurity report, due to being a board member of CFINE and also the Chairperson for Sustainable Food Places. Councillor Lesley Dunbar did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting.
  • Councillor Sandra Macdonald - - Councillor Macdonald declared an interest in relation to item 10.4, Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-24 as a member of WEA. Cllr Macdonald did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting.