How can we help you...

Current ePetitions and paper petitions

Taking part in or creating a petition is one way that individuals, community groups and organisations can get involved in what the Council does. It allows people to raise issues of public concern and gives Councillors the opportunity to consider the need for change. Our aim is to make Aberdeen City Council as inclusive and accessible as possible.

When you submit a petition to the Council it can have positive outcomes by creating informed debate which may result in the Council taking action to address the concerns that have been raised.

Committees will consider petitions lodged by members of the public or local businesses as long as they meet the Petitions Criteria.

If you wish to submit an e-petition, please read the E-Petitions Guidance.

Title Respondents Deadline to sign by
Bin huts 0 Finished

Please contact: Aberdeen City Council, Committee Services, Town House, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ
