Agenda and decisions
Venue: Council Chamber - Town House
Contact: Martyn Orchard, tel 01224 067598 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Admission of Burgesses |
Notification of urgent business Decision: No urgent business |
Determination of exempt business Decision: No exempt business |
Declarations of interest and transparency statements Decision: The Council resolved: to note the declarations of interest and transparency statements which will be recorded in the minute. |
Deputations Decision: The Council resolved: to note the deputation and thank Mr Chowdhry for his contribution. |
Minute of Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 11 December 2024 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Minute of Reconvened Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 12 December 2024 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Minute of Meeting of Urgent Business Committee of 18 December 2024 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Minute of Special Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 3 January 2025 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Minute of Special Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 3 January 2025 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Minute of Special Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 16 January 2025 - for approval Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the minute. |
Carried forward from December Council meeting Decision: The Council resolved:- to approve the establishment of an elected member working group for the target locality(ies). |
Council Business Planner Decision: The Council resolved:- (i) to remove item 7 (Collaboration for Health Equity in Scotland MoU) from the business planner; and (ii) otherwise to note the business planner. |
Committee Places - CORS/24/353 Carried forward from December Council meeting Additional documents: Decision: The Council resolved:- (i) to note the content of the report; and (ii) to agree the committee places below.
North East Scotland Investment Zone - CR&E/24/355 Carried forward from December Council meeting Additional documents:
Decision: The Council resolved:- (i) to agree to establish a Joint Committee in terms of sections 56 and 57 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 with Aberdeenshire Council, to be known as the North East Scotland Investment Zone Joint Committee and to be effective following submission of Gateway 4 (February 2025); (ii) to note the Investment Zone Steering Group endorsement for a North East Scotland Investment Zone was Option C, the Joint Committee Members being the co-signatories plus ETZ Ltd. At the Steering Group meeting the Aberdeen City Council representative abstained from the vote as Council had not yet had the option to review the models; (iii) to approve the Joint Committee’s Terms of Reference contained within Appendix 3 to the report, which are based on Option B, the Investment Zone Co-signatories being the members of the Joint Committee; (iv) to approve the Joint Committee’s Standing Orders contained within Appendix 3 to the report; (v) to approve the proposed membership of the North East Scotland Investment Zone Joint Committee to be Aberdeen City Council (x3), Aberdeenshire Council (x3), Opportunity North East, University of Aberdeen and The Robert Gordon University as illustrated at Option B; (vi) to agree that a North East Scotland Investment Zone Programme Board should be established to support the Joint Committee and agree its Terms of Reference in Appendix 4; (vii) to approve the initial proposed membership of the North East Scotland Investment Zone Programme Board as contained within Appendix 4; Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Opportunity North East, University of Aberdeen, The Robert Gordon University, Scottish Enterprise and Energy Transition Zone Ltd; (viii) to appoint Councillors Allard, Yuill and McLellan as the three named members to the North East Scotland Investment Zone Joint Committee, and one Partnership substitute (Councillor Radley), one Labour substitute and 1 Conservative substitute (names to be confirmed); (ix) to agree that Aberdeenshire Council will act as the Accountable Body for the Investment Zone as they have done for the City Region Deal; and (x) to note that the Chief Officer - City Development and Regeneration would ensure access was provided to letters of support regarding ownership of relevant land in the Aberdeen area; (xi) to note that the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord would circulate details in terms of land owned by the Lands of Torry Trust and land owned by other Council accounts; and (xii) to note that officers were considering the matter of Investment Zone Steering Group minutes and whether they could be shared with elected members and would confirm the position in due course. |
Governance Review of Trusts - 2024 Update - CORS/24/350 Carried forward from December Council meeting Additional documents:
Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
Council Annual Effectiveness Report - CORS/24/349 Carried forward from December Council meeting Additional documents: Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
February 2025 RAAC Update - F&C/25/030 Additional documents: Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
Additional documents: Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
Treasury Management Policy - CORS/25/013 Additional documents: Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
Notice of Motion by Councillor Ali “Treating citizens fairly at work is important for the wellbeing of Aberdeen as a community. Aberdeen City Council relies on our own staff to deliver vital services to the public, and our ability to serve the public fundamentally relies on valuing our own staff.
The Scottish Government’s policy of "Fair Work First" highlights many important principles, and states that "Fire and re-hire" tactics do not align with the principles and expected practice of Fair Work.
This approach is taken forward by the UK government's Employment Rights Bill which proposes 28 new individual employment rights, and includes proposals to severely restrict the "Fire and re-hire" of staff by employers.
We support the approach by the UK and Scottish governments and, we believe "Fire and re-hire" is a detriment to staff, and agree that officers must not use "Fire and re-hire" with our own staff. We note that the Council approved in its 2024/25 General Fund budget savings of up to £5m per annum from organisational redesign, and these savings should not be from "Fire and re-hire”. To reassess the delivery of previously approved budget savings in future years, this should be referred to the 2025/26 budget meeting on 5 March 2025.” Decision: To be considered at a later date. |
Exempt/confidential business Decision: No exempt/confidential business |