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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Emma Parr, tel 01224 522607 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be located at the following link:-


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Statement of the Flooding in Aberdeen City


The Convener thanked Council staff and outside agencies for their response during the challenging situation of the flooding over the holiday period.


Determination of Exempt Business


The Convener proposed that the Committee consider items 14.1, 14.3 and 14.4 with the press and public excluded and 14.2 in public.


The Committee resolved:-

in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for item 14.1 so as to avoid disclosure of information of the class described in paragraph 9 of schedule 7(A) of the Act; item 14.3 so as to avoid disclosure of information of the class described in paragraph 12 of schedule 7(A) of the Act; and item 14.4 so as to avoid disclosure of information of the class described in paragraph 6 of schedule 7(A) of the Act.



Minute of Previous Meeting of 27 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 148 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 27 October 2015 for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.




Minute of Meeting of the Disability Advisory Group of 3 June 2015 pdf icon PDF 108 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the Disability Advisory Group of 3 June 2015 for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Minute of Meeting of the Older People's Advisory Group of 16 June 2015 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the Older People’s Advisory Group of 16 June 2015 for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.



At this juncture, the Committee agreed to bring the next three items of business forward in order that the representatives from Police Scotland could depart the meeting after it had been considered.


Police Scotland Aberdeen City Division Performance April - September 2015 pdf icon PDF 245 KB


The Committee had before it a report by Police Scotland providing members with an update on the performance of the Aberdeen City Division for Quarters 1 and 2, April 2015 to September 2015.


The outgoing Chief Superintendent explained that performance was moving in the right direction. Some areas such as shoplifting had increased but the Police have a better relationship with retailers to help tackle the issue. Sexual crimes had also risen but the force found that victims were increasingly more confident in reporting them. Cyber crime has increased nationally and HMICS are focusing on this issue.


Vice Convener Graham on behalf of the Committee thanked Chief Superintendent Adrian Watson for his hard work in Aberdeen City over the years as this was his last meeting in post.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the content of the report.


Police Scotland - Independent Assurance Review - Call Handling pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a review by HM Inspectorate for Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) on Police Scotland Call Handling outlining the methodology used in the review, the call handling process, key findings, conclusions and recommendations for improvement.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the recommendations contained in the report; and

(ii)        to support the public backing that the Control Room in Aberdeen is kept.


HMICS Scrutiny Plan 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by HMICS providing the Scrutiny Plan for 2015-16.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the content of the report; and

(ii)        to respond to the request by HMICS for stakeholders views and put forward the issues around New Psychoactive Substances and funding as area that would benefit from scrutiny by HMICS during 2016-17.


Committee Business Statement and Annual Reports pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of committee business and a list of annual reports prepared by the Senior Democratic Services Manager.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to agree to remove items 1 - Modernising Public Space CCTV, as work around modernising CCTV is now being progressed as part of the overall digital strategy and a project proposal is being developed and will be discussed by the Transformation Board; item 5 - Community Learning and Development, to remove the part regarding the pilot community anchor model as this is being taken forward on the neighbourhood planning agenda and item 16, Deer Management, updates will continue to be given annually;

(ii)        to agree that item 9, A944 Lang Stracht to Westhill Cycle Route should remain on the Committee Business Statement; and

(iii)       to otherwise note the updates provided.


Motions List pdf icon PDF 81 KB


The Committee had before it a list of motions prepared by the Senior Democratic Services Manager.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to transfer motion 4, by Councillor Yuill to the Education and Children’s Services Committee motion list as this report will be prepared by them; and

(ii)        to otherwise note the updates provided.


2015/16 Trading Services Budget Monitoring - CHI/15/311 pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure and the Interim Director of Corporate Governance which advised the Committee of the current year trading services revenue budget performance to date for the services and advised on areas of risk and management action.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)       consider and note the report and the information management action and risks contained herein; and

(b)       instruct that officers report the year end position to the appropriate Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



2015/16 General Fund Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring - CHI/15/312 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure and the Interim Director of Corporate Governance which advised the Committee of the current year general fund revenue and capital budget performance to date for the services and any areas of risk and management action.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)       note the report and the information on management action and risks;

(b)       instruct that officers report the year end position to the appropriate committee; and

(c)        approve the virements outlined in Appendix A.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



2015/16 Housing Revenue Account - CHI/15/313 pdf icon PDF 220 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure and Interim Director of Corporate Governance, which provided a status report for the 2015/16 Housing Revenue Account and Housing Capital Programme as at 31 October 2015 summarising both income and expenditure.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       note the financial information contained within the report;

(b)       instruct that the Head of Finance continues to update the Committee in consultation with the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure on the actual outturn position for 2015/16 following completion of the year end statutory accounts; and

(c)        approves the virements outlined in Appendix 3.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



CHI Performance Report - CHI/15/305 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided an update of key performance measures and the progress of key improvement work within Communities, Housing and Infrastructure.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee provide comments and observations on both the performance information contained in the report and also on the format and layout of the report.


The Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure informed the Committee of the Outstanding Contribution of the Year Award 2015 for Tenant/Resident Groups at the recent Tenant Participation Advisory Service Good Practice Awards in November for their work promoting Granitehill House. Other award highlights were, the East Tullos Burn Restoration Project which won the Herald Society Award 2015 for the best Environmental Initiative and in November the City Centre Masterplan received a high commendation at the National Planning Awards in Spatial Planning and Stakeholder Engagement. Aberdeen has recently retained its Purple Flag status for safety in the City at night. Areas in  the service commented on included the work for Aberdeen’s second hydrogen refuelling station began on October 10th 2015 and is due to be operational by August 2016 and Trading Standards have been involved in an Under-age sales test purchasing programme which led to 6 retailers receiving a warning after selling cigarettes to a 16 year old volunteer.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the contents of the report;

(ii)        to instruct that the Business Manager circulate the figures for Freedom of Information Requests for November and December 2015 and provide an explanation where possible for the reasons for the drop in requests; and

(iii)       to instruct that the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure provides Councillor Finlayson with a brief on the sample size analysed in the performance report.


Removal of 77-79 Bon Accord Street - CHI/15/344 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure explaining that the accommodation unit at 77-79 Bon Accord Street was now surplus to service requirements.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       note the content of the report;

(b)       declare 77-79 Bon Accord Street surplus to service requirements and confirm its removal from the Housing Support Services account portfolio; and

(c)        remits the property to the Head of Land and Property Assets and Land and Property Assets team to decide on its future use.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)          to instruct officers to prepare a report to go to the next Finance, Policy and Resources Committee outlining options for its future use.


Mobility Scooters in Sheltered and Very Sheltered Blocks - CHI/15/322 pdf icon PDF 511 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure highlighting the health and safety issues within sheltered and very sheltered blocks with regards to mobility scooters.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the Mobility Scooter Policy as set out in Appendix 1.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


A New Disability Group for the City - CHI/15/339 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which updated members on the progress made in establishing a new group to deal with issues around disability in the city.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       note the conclusions reached by the stakeholders group as outlined in Appendix 1;

(b)       instruct officers to prepare a draft constitution for the new group, taking into account the feedback from the last meeting of the Stakeholders Group;

(c)        approve that the Stakeholders Group meet for a final occasion to discuss the draft constitution, election process and arrangements for the inaugural meeting of the new group;

(d)       instruct officers to report to a future Committee in order to seek approval of the draft constitution, proposed election process and inaugural meeting arrangements of the new group; and

(e)       agree a name for the new group from the most popular 4 choices from the community engagement exercise.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to approve recommendations (a), (b), (c) and (d); and

(ii)          to agree that the new name should be agreed by the new group.


Buildings Performance Policy - CHI/15/256 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval from members for adoption of a new Buildings Performance Policy for council building projects.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the adoption of the Building Performance Policy as detailed in Appendix 1;

(b)       instruct officers to form the Building Performance Review Group (BPRG) for oversight; and

(c)        instruct officers to report back to Committee with an update on progress of the process in 12 months.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Bay of Nigg Development Framework - CHI/15/307 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 4 of the minute of its meeting of 27 August 2015, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which updated members of the findings of the public consultation on the Draft Nigg Bay Development Framework and the Environmental Report (SEA) and presented a summary of the representations received, officers responses to the representations and details of any resulting action.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)       note the representations received on the Draft Bay of Nigg Development Framework as detailed in Appendix 2;

(b)       approve Appendix 1, which provides a list of recommended revisions to the Draft Framework, as well as officers responses to representations received;

(c)        approve officers to progress the revised Draft Development Framework as Interim Planning Advice, and to be taken forward alongside the emerging Aberdeen Local Development Plan;

(d)       note the representations received on the Environmental Report (SEA) contained in Appendix 3; and

(e)       approve the finalised Environmental Report (SEA) contained in Appendix 4 and for officers to publish the report on the Council’s website.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        that the development should be referred to as Bay of Nigg Development Framework.



External Funding for Switched on Fleets Project - CHI/15/324 pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which informed Members of the ‘Switched on Fleets’ initiative, funded by Transport Scotland, the Scottish Government Transport Agency, and sought approval for the expenditure of any funds allocated to the Council in the 2015/16 financial year.


The Committee recommended:-

            That the Committee –

(a)       note the contents of the report; and

(b)       approve expenditure by the Council for the leasing of up to three electric vehicles to be managed by the car club, using grant funding from the ‘Switched on Fleets’ initiative.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Station Gateway - Draft Development Brief - CHI/15/327 pdf icon PDF 258 KB

Colour copies of the appendix have been provided to members

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which set out the planning, urban design and development principles for Station Gateway, identified as project IN5 in the approved Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the Draft Development Brief for consultation with key stakeholders over a four week period commencing 25 January 2016;

(b)       instruct officers to report the results of that consultation to the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee on 15 March 2016;

(c)        authorise officers to work in partnership with Scottish Enterprise to develop an economics and design capacity study for Trinity Centre; and

(d)       note the intention to report to the Property Sub Committee in May 2016.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Memorandum of Understanding with Pemba, Mozambique - CHI/15/302 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which outlined a proposal to sign a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Pemba in Mozambique.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the signing of a 3 year MOU between the cities of Aberdeen and Pemba in Mozambique, including the development of an annual action plan, subject to input on the content of the MOU from colleagues in legal services; and

(b)       request officers to report annually to Committee to review outcomes achieved as a result of the MOU.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


FCH-JU Commercialisation Study - CHI/15/341 pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which informed members that Aberdeen City Council had been nominated to be the lead partner for the UK consortium to procure and deploy hydrogen fuel cell buses and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure within eight UK cities and regions from 2017 and beyond. The report sought agreement to participate in the project and to lead on the development of a procurement framework.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       agree to Aberdeen City Council’s participation in the project subject to officers presenting a further detailed business case which outlines the Council’s financial implications;

(b)       agree to Aberdeen City Council leading on the development of the procurement framework that can be utilised by other local authorities and named bus operators who are participating in this project; and

(c)        instruct officers to present a detailed business case for Aberdeen City Council’s participation in the commercialisation project under the proviso that European and external funding sources are secured.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


The Convener intimated that he had directed in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the following item be considered as a matter of urgency as two overseas travel initiatives need immediate approval to allow officers to organise them in the necessary timeframes.


International Trade and Investment Plan 2016-17 - CHI/15/300 pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval for the Council’s planned international trade development and inward investment activities for 2016/17 and approval also for the Council’s planning funding and partnership activities for 2016/17 including officers and Elected Members’ attendance at overseas events.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the report and the activities included subject to the 2016/17 budget setting process and agreement;

(b)       approve the relevant travel by officers and Elected Members as outlined in Appendix 1, subject to the 2016/17 budget setting process and agreement. However, two of the initiatives (Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in May and Offshore Northern Seas in Stavanger in August) require immediate approval so that they can be organised within the necessary timeframe; and

 (c)       instruct officers to provide a bulletin report on each activity, alongside the Elected Member overseas travel bulletin submitted to each meeting of Council.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        to approve Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in May and Offshore Northern Seas in Stavanger in August.


Local Transport Strategy - CHI/15/323 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which presented the Final Draft of the Local Transport Strategy 2016-2021 and updated members of the progression of the various Action Plans associated with the Local Transport Strategy.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the content of the report;

(b)       approve the Council’s Final Draft Local Transport Strategy (2016-21); and

(c)        instruct officers to publish the Local Transport Strategy (2016-21) on the Council’s website.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Crossing Refuge - North Deeside Road, Cults - CHI/15/334 pdf icon PDF 209 KB


With reference to Article 1 of the minute of the meeting of the Petitions Committee on 22 September 2015, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided the members with information relating to the study carried out for a crossing refuge on North Deeside Road near Westerton Road.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee take no further action.


The Convener moved, seconded by Vice Convener Jean Morrison:-

            That the Committee approve the recommendation contained in the report.


Councillor Yuill moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Delaney:-

            That a crossing refuge should be installed.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (17) the Convener, Vice Convener Graham, Vice Convener Jean Morrison; and Councillors Allan, Copland, Corall, Crockett, Dickson, Finlayson, Flynn, Grant, Laing, Milne, Nicoll, Stuart, Thomson and Townson; for the amendment (2) Councillors Delaney and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


Corporate Fleet Management Performance and Compliance - Update - CHI/15/338 pdf icon PDF 533 KB


With reference to Article 18 of the minute of the meeting of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee of 25 June 2015, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided an update on the progress to date on developing a suite of performance indicators to report to this Committee at each meeting.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee note actions taken and measures put in place in Fleet Services, for monitoring performance of corporate fleet compliance.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Various Small Scale Traffic Management & Development Associated Proposals (Stage 1 - New Works) - CHI/15/328 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which set out various small scale traffic management measures. The report also bought forward proposals associated with new developments as part of the development management process and included proposals for individual parking bays which required to be progressed.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the proposals in principle as detailed in the report;

(b)       instruct officers to commence the necessary legal procedures of preliminary statutory consultation for the Traffic Regulation Orders required as described in the report. If no significant objections are received then progress with the public advertisement and report the results to a future meeting of this Committee; and

(c)        instruct officers to commence the combined statutory consultation for the traffic regulation order for the list of Blue Badge parking bays and report back to a future meeting of this Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


A96 Park and Choose and Dyce Link Road Stage 1 - CHI/15/330 pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 34 of the minute of its meeting of 19 May 2015, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of the proposed restrictions associated with the ongoing construction of the A96 Park and Choose car park which require to be progressed through the legal process for the required Traffic Regulation Order.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       note the proposed traffic management restrictions and the proposed parking restrictions within the car park; and

(b)       instruct officers to commence the necessary legal procedures of statutory consultation for the various Traffic Regulation Orders required as described in this report. If no significant objections are received, then to progress to the public advertisement stage and report the results back to a future meeting of this Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Third Don Crossing Traffic Management Stage 3 - CHI/15/331 pdf icon PDF 260 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised that the main statutory advertisement period was now over for the proposals associated with the Third Don Crossing Traffic Regulation Order and presented the objections received.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee overrule the objections received and instruct officers to make ‘The Aberdeen City Council (Danestone / Tillydrone / Bedford Area, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 201 (X) as originally envisaged.


The Committee resolved:-

to overrule the objection received  with reference to the proposed reopening of the junction at Bedford Road/ Hermitage Avenue and agree with the  objection received from the Grandholm Village Resident’s Association (GVRA), in which they state “……a 40 MPH speed limit to be wholly inappropriate and inconsistent with the remainder of the route through Tillydrone to St Machar Drive. It is also not consistent with other similar routes in the city”. And  instruct officers to make ‘The Aberdeen City Council (Danestone / Tillydrone / Bedford Area, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 201 (X) without imposing a 40MPH speed limit on the section of un-named road that incorporates the new bridge crossing over the River Don, between A90 Parkway and Gordon’s Mills Road.


Roads Collaboration Programme: Governance First Northern Project Group: Members Forum - CHI/15/202 pdf icon PDF 139 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which outlined the work currently being carried out within the Scottish public roads sector to explore and develop opportunities for greater collaboration between roads authorities and highlighted how this is being taken forward in the north of Scotland.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       note the expectations that roads authorities will take forward the design and delivery of a package of shared service initiatives (option 30 in the report);

(b)       note the development of the North area Governance First Group, and the methodical approach undertaken to develop the case for creating a new governance body of Elected Members to oversee the development of collaborative activity within the roads service;

(c)        agree to participate in the Northern Roads Collaboration Forum and nominate two members of this Committee to represent the Council on the Forum;

(d)       note that the first meeting of the Forum was held in the Moray Council Chambers on 30th September 2015; the Northern Roads Collaboration Forum will meet quarterly for up to one year. A second meeting is proposed for January 2016;

(e)       note that the Forum is considered a precursor to forming a Joint Committee to support formal sharing / collaboration across roads services; and

(f)        agree that a full report will be submitted to a future meeting of the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee on any proposal to form a Joint Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to approve to the recommendations; and

(ii)          to nominate Councillor Ross Grant in his post of Transport Spokesperson for Aberdeen City Council and Councillor Ramsay Milne in his post as Chair of the North East Scotland Transport Partnership (Nestrans) to represent the Council on the Forum.


Aberdeen Crematorium and Hall of Remembrance Management Rules - CHI/15/316 pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval to make new Management Rules for Aberdeen Crematorium and Hall of Remembrance.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the form of the draft Aberdeen City Council (Aberdeen Crematorium and Hall of Remembrance) Management Rules 2016 as set out in Appendix 2;

(b)       instruct officers to carry out a public consultation on the draft Aberdeen City Council (Aberdeen Crematorium and Hall of Remembrance) Management Rules 2016; and

(c)        instruct officers to report back to committee with: (a) the results of the public consultation; and (b) a recommendation as to the form the Management Rules should take following the public consultation.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Virement of Funds to Waste and Recycling Bins Budget - CHI/15/342 pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval to vire Communities, Housing and Infrastructure 2015/16 budgets to allow the Communal Mixed Recycling Project to proceed.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee agree to a budget virement of £680,000 from Building Standards Building Applications Fees budget to Waste and Recycling.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Roads Asset Management Plan Update - CHI/15/275 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure outlining the second version of an Asset Management Plan for the Roads Assets of the Council (RAMP).


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the Roads Asset Management Plan;

(b)       agree to its continuing development as the basis for the stewardship of the Roads assets;

(c)        approve the continuing participation in a nationwide project to continue the development and implementation of such plans; and

(d)       note the financial implications of the Plan.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.

In accordance with the decision recorded under article 2 of this minute, the following items were considered with the press and public excluded.


Councillor Delaney declared an interest in the following article by virtue of his role as Chair of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, and withdrew from the meeting prior to consideration of the item.


Housing Support Services Commissioning Plan - CHI/15/265


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which outlined a commissioning plan for Support Services to commission an assertive street begging worker and to effect the realignment of budgets to meet the currently commissioned services.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the Commissioning Plan;

(b)       approve realignment of budgets to currently commissioned services;

(c)        approve the invoking of the provisions of Standing Order 1(6)(a) and thereby waiving the need for competitive procurement for the assertive street begging worker; and

(d)       extend the following contracts to March 2018: Inspire, Cornerstone; Penumbra ARBS; Turning Point Scotland; Grampian Autistic Society; Castlehill Housing Association Key Project; Castlehill Housing Association Links View Chinese Community Project and Deafblind Scotland.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


The Convener intimated that he had directed in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the following item be considered as a matter of urgency to enable to the Committee to consider the matter without delay.



New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Trading Standards Enforcement: Operation Alexander - CHI/15/310


With reference to article 15 of the minute of its meeting of 27 October 2015, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which updated members on Operation Alexander which targeted retailers of NPS.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)       note the work carried out by Trading Standards staff to replicate the work carried out by City of Edinburgh Trading Standards; and

(b)       request that officers keep Elected Members informed as to the outcome of any subsequent legal action taken as a result of this action.


It was clarified by the Trading Standards Officer at the meeting that no testing costs had been directly incurred as a result of the operation as the substances that were tested were tested in Police Scotland Laboratories and as such were Scottish Government funded.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to welcome the work carried out by Trading Standards to replicate the work carried out by City of Edinburgh Trading Standards;

(ii)        to request that officers keep Elected Members informed as to the outcome of any subsequent legal action taken as a result of this action; and

(iii)       to call for national funding to be made available for local authorities future operations tackling the issue of NPS.


The Convener intimated that he had directed in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the following item be considered as a matter of urgency to enable the Council to consider the matter at the same time as Aberdeenshire Council.


Councillors Allan, Corall and Laing declared an interest in the following item by virtue of their role on the board of Visit Aberdeen and withdrew from the meeting prior to consideration of the item.


Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Company - CHI/1515/345


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided a detailed update on the proposal for the new tourism body, Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Company (AATC).


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       approve the merger of the three Destination Management Organisations (DMOs), namely Visit Aberdeen, Deeside and the Cairngorms Ltd (known as Visit Royal Deeside) and Banffshire Coast Tourism Partnership, together with the Aberdeen City and Shire Area Tourism Partnership into one new DMO, with the working title of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Company, subject to satisfactory conclusion of the budget process, the Service Level Agreement and compliance with any other legal requirements;

(b)       delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Convener of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to negotiate and conclude a Service Level Agreement with the proposed new DMO, subject to potential State Aid implications being satisfactorily addressed;

(c)        approve that an Elected Member be appointed to the Board of Directors of the proposed new DMO, as the representative of the Council; and

(d)       notes Appendix 1 which details the Business Plan Executive Summary in respect of the proposed new DMO.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a), (b) and (d);

(ii)        to approve that Councillor Yvonne Allan be appointed to the Board of Directors of the proposed new DMO, as the representative of the Council; and

(iii)       to write to the Board and seek to extend this membership to additional Councillor’s and ask that Aberdeenshire Council request the same.

- NEIL COONEY, Convener.