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Agenda and decisions

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Emma Robertson, Email: 


No. Item




The Board resolved:-

to thank all those working in the Service during challenging times.


Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest


The Board resolved:-

to note that the Chair declared an interest in item 13 (ADP Investment work) by virtue of her being a Trustee of Aberdeen in Recovery. She considered that the nature of her interest required her to leave the meeting and she therefore took no part in the consideration of this item.


Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Board resolved:-

to consider item 16 with the press and public excluded.


Minute of Board Meeting of 2 November 2021 pdf icon PDF 353 KB


The Board resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 16 November 2021 pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The Board resolved:-

to note the minute.



Business Planner pdf icon PDF 258 KB


The Board resolved to:-

(i)         note the planner;

(ii)        agree that the Chief Finance Officer would work offline with the Chair and Vice Chair to identify which reports could be delayed in order to help support workloads of Health and Social Care Staff; and

(iii)       agree that the Workforce Plan would be brought to IJB sooner than October 2022 if possible.


Chief Officer's Report pdf icon PDF 416 KB


The Board resolved to:-

(i)         note the details contained in the report;

(ii)        note that the Chief officer would circulate slides of ACHSCP Priorities;

(iii)       note that the Chief officer would circulate communications on the National Wellbeing Hub;

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Officer to add a standing item of Update on National Care Service to her report; and

(v)        to instruct the Business Manager, ACHSCP to share communications of volunteering with members.


Revised Strategic Risk Register SRR) & revised risk appetite statement (RAS) - HSCP.21.120 pdf icon PDF 396 KB

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Briefing on Winter Plan and Allocation of additional Scottish Government funding for Winter Plan - HSCP.21.124 pdf icon PDF 557 KB

Please note that there is an exempt appendix in the Exempt Appendix Section of this agenda at item 16 below.

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to note the funding and proposed plans for spend contained in Appendix A;

(ii)        to make the Directions as attached within Appendix B and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Directions to NHS Grampian (NHSG) and Aberdeen City Council (ACC) respectively, to deliver the services as set out in the report;

(iii)       to note the presentation on Operational Iris; and

(iv)      to agree to circulate the link to the NHSG Board papers of 2 December 2021 for further information on Operation Iris.


Strategic Plan 2022-2025 - HSCP.21.123 pdf icon PDF 401 KB

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to instruct the Chief Officer to amend the report to make clear that progress would be monitored via the Leadership Team’s annual objectives;

(ii)        to instruct the Chief Officer to undertake a 6-week public consultation exercise as per best practice guidance;

(iii)       to instruct the Chief Officer to bring a final version of the Strategic Plan incorporating consultation comments to the IJB meeting on 10 March 2022 for approval; and

(iv)      to otherwise approve the consultation draft of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025.



Commissioned Day Services and Day Activities - Stay Well, Stay Connected - HSCP.21.121 pdf icon PDF 416 KB

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to note the progress made with the implementation of the model; and

(ii)        to note that provision for outcomes of this model and thereby updates on progress on an ongoing basis would be accommodated within key performance indicators for the partnership.


Market facilitation Update - HSCP.21.122 pdf icon PDF 425 KB

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to note the content of the report;

(ii)        to note that the market facilitation plan would be reviewed in line with the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) strategic plan; and

(iii)       to note that the market facilitation activity was linked with and reflected in the annual procurement plan.


ADP Investment work - HSCP.21.119 pdf icon PDF 774 KB


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to match fund successful applications for funding from the CORRA Foundation as detailed in paragraph 3.17 of the report:

(ii)        to fund the recruitment of a Specialist Pharmacist as detailed in paragraph 3.18 of the report;

(iii)       to use funding as detailed in paragraph 3.19 for expenditure against Buvidal by prescribing services and to fund any overspend on this budget from ADP Reserves;

(iv)      to use the funding streams detailed in paragraph 3.20 to provide the ADP Assertive Outreach Programme which is currently funded on a fixed term

(v)        to fund the recruitment of a Consultant Psychiatrist as detailed at paragraph 3.21;

(vi)      to extend funding for the Young People Resilience Hubs for a further 12 months as detailed at paragraph 3.22; and

(vii)     to approve the ADP Plan.



** * Exempt Business


IJB Meetings -

Tuesday 25 January 2022 at 10.00am

Thursday 10 March 2022 at 10.00am (Budget)

Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 10.00am




Briefing on Winter Plan and Allocation of additional Scottish Government funding for Winter Plan - Exempt Appendix


The Board resolved:-

to note the funding and proposed plans for spend contained in Appendix A.