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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Emma Robertson, Email: 


No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone. She acknowledged the current increased pressures and demand in the health and care system across the north east and the country as a whole.


The Chair reported that by building on the delivery of the IJB Strategic Plan, ACHSCP colleagues were bringing a renewed focus on the task of increasing capacity in the system, with initiatives (1) to ensure that wherever possible the health and care needs of residents were met at the earliest opportunity to prevent people from becoming acutely ill and requiring inpatient hospital treatment; (2) discharging people from hospital to an appropriate setting as soon as was appropriate; and (3) freeing up capacity in hospital settings by introducing additional interim beds in care homes.  The Chair noted that early indications were that these initiatives were making a positive difference and she expressed her thanks to all staff across the health and social care system for continuing to meet the challenges nearly three years after the start of the pandemic.


The Chair advised that teams were continuing to listen to colleagues and service users to respond to concerns to coordinate efforts with partners, to enhance communications with the public and to capture the learnings from the experience.  She stated that doing this would ensure we come out of this difficult period with important learnings and actions which would strengthen our system for the months and years ahead and help build a more sustainable health and care system.


The Chair noted that agenda items of the Carers’ Strategy, Annual Procurement Workplan and Grant Funding arrangements were important elements of how to build that sustainable system which was community focused and informed by experience to date, the views of local people and staff.



The Board resolved:-

to note the Chair’s remarks.


Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements


Members were requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements in respect of the items on the agenda.


The Board resolved:-

(i)       to note that Maggie Hepburn advised that she had a connection in relation to agenda item 6.2 (Grant Funding Arrangements) as she was Chief Executive of the Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO), however, having applied the objective test she did not consider that her connection amounted to an interest which would prevent her from remaining for the item but she would not take part in the discussion on the item; and

(ii)       to note that Alison Murray advised that she had a connection in relation to agenda item 5.1 (Carers' Strategy) as she was a Carer Representative to the IJB, however, having applied the objective test she did not consider that her connection amounted to an interest which would prevent her from participating in the discussion on the item.


Exempt Business


The Chair indicated that item 6.1 Annual Procurement Workplan - HSCP.23.002, item 6.2 Grant Funding Arrangements – HSCP.23.005 and item 7.3 Aberdeen City Vaccination Centre – HSCP.23.007 contained exempt information and therefore it was recommended that they be considered in private.


The Board resolved:-

to consider the exempt sections of items 6.1 and 6.2 and the full report at item 7.3 with the press and public excluded.


Video Presentation


The Board received a video presentation entitled ‘Get Active @Sheddocksley Renovation’ which had been filmed following the redevelopment of the venue and highlighted the role sport and physical activity could play in supporting good mental and physical health.  The clip showed the collaborative work going on and the impact it was having on communities, contributing to the IJB’s shared preventative and rehabilitation agenda. 


The Chair reported that the Health and Social Care Partnership was looking to work with Sport Aberdeen to extend the work in the video with a test of change  at Sport Aberdeen’s new facility in Northfield, where the initiative created a health and social care community hub called Get Active @Northfield which included access to community space it was hoped to support local people to continue to improve their health through sustained physical activity.  Members would receive an update on the project and its outcomes towards the end of 2023.


The Board resolved:-

to note the video.


Minute of Board Meeting of 29 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 340 KB


The Board had before it the minute of its meeting of 29 November 2022.  In respect of Article 15 (Primary Care Improvement Plan Update – HSCP.22.099), members heard that clarification was still awaited from the Scottish Government in this regard and was expected to be available for the meeting in April 2023.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Draft Minute of Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 17 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 327 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 17 November 2022, for information.


The Board resolved:-

to note the minute.


Business Planner pdf icon PDF 219 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner which was presented by the Chief Operating Officer who advised Members of the updates to reporting intentions and that further items would be added to future reporting cycles.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the additional meeting of the Integration Joint Board scheduled for 25 April 2023; and

(ii)            to otherwise agree the Planner.


Seminar and Workshops Planner pdf icon PDF 144 KB


The Board had before it the Seminars and Workshops Planner which was presented by the Chief Operating Officer.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that a Teams meeting would be scheduled for Members regarding finance matters in advance of the Budget meeting on 28 March 2023;

(ii)           to note that dates for workshops were in the process of being planned; and

(iii)          to otherwise note the Planner.


Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.23.008 pdf icon PDF 267 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP, who presented an update on highlighted topics and responded to questions from members.


Members discussed the use of Microsoft Teams for meetings and noted that there was no national guidance with regard to meeting etiquette, length of meetings and taking breaks.


The report recommended:-

that the Board note the detail contained in the report.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Chair would discuss guidance on Teams meetings with the Chair of NHS Grampian Staff Governance; and

(ii)            to otherwise agree the recommendation.


Carers' Strategy - HSCP.22.003 pdf icon PDF 482 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the final version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026, following the draft report consultation period running from 12 October to 31 December 2022.


The Chair thanked everyone who had attended the Carers’ Strategy Workshop on 17 January 2023.


Stuart Lamberton – Transformation Programme Manager – Strategy, and Amy Richert - Transformation Programme Manager – Services & Pathways, ACHSCP presented the report and responded to questions from Members in respect of alignment with the Children’s’ Services Plan and other relevant strategies.


In response to a question regarding the category of disability - and the associated barriers to providing and accessing care and support - not being listed specifically under the Equalities section of the Action Plan, the Transformation Programme Manager gave assurance on the importance of receiving the perspective of carers who had disabilities within the equalities work and the Reference Group.  She undertook to strengthen this category with the Plan.


Members noted the proposal to launch the Strategy in spring 2023 and that a short animation to bring together key points around the strategy was being devised along with an easy read version which would be rolled out to smaller groups and communities.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve the final full version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026 as attached at Appendix B of the report;

(b)           approve the final summary version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as attached at Appendix C of the report ;

(c)           approve the publishing of an easy-read version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as part of the launch of all documents;

(d)           approve the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026 Action plan as attached at Appendix D of the report;

(e)           approve the Engagement and Consultation overview of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as attached Appendix A of the report;

(f)             instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to coordinate a launch period to promote the Strategy; and

(g)           instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to report back on progress with the Carers Strategy and Action Plan annually.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that an annual consultation event would be held in advance of each annual review;

(ii)            to instruct the Transformation Manager to strengthen the references to disabled carers within the Action Plan; and

(iii)          to otherwise approve the recommendations.



Annual Procurement Workplan - HSCP.23.002 pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Please note there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report on the Annual Procurement Work Plan for 2023/24 and the associated procurement Business Cases in respect of expenditure on social care services.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve the Direct Award, for a period of 5 years of a contract for a physical disability residential service, as detailed in Appendices A1 and C of the report;

(b)           approve the Direct Award, for a period of 5 years of a contract for a learning disability residential service, as detailed in Appendices A1 and D of the report;

(c)           approve the Direct Award, for a period of 4 years of a contract for a day service for young adults, as detailed in Appendices A1 and E of the report;

(d)           approve the extension for 6 months to the existing contract, and approve the recommendation to go out to tender for the provision of dementia advice and support services as detailed in Appendices A1 and F of the report;

(e)           approve the extension for 1 year to the existing contract, and approve the recommendation to go out to tender for the provision of care at home and housing support services as detailed in Appendices A1 and G of the report;

(f)             approve the extension for 1 year, of 25 National Care Home Contracts (NCHC) for residential services for older people, as detailed in Appendices A1 and H of the report;

(g)           approve the Direct Award, for a period of 5 years of a contract for a supported living service, as detailed in Appendices A1 and I of the report;

(h)           approve the Direct Award, for a period of 3 years of a contract for a Huntington’s disease advice and support service, as detailed in Appendices A1 and J of the report;

(i)             approve the additional expenditure on the framework agreement for Adult Supported Living Services that commenced 01/09/2020, as detailed in Appendices A1 and K of the report;

(j)             approve the Direct Award, for a period of 5 years of a contract for a residential service for adults with neurodisabilities, as detailed in Appendices A1 and L of the report;

(k)           approve the Direct Award of two care at home and housing support services contracts to one provider, for a period of three years, as  detailed in Appendices A1 and M of the report;

(l)             approve the recommissioning of the Pre-Paid Card Service and subsequent award of a 3-year contract with the option to extend by up to a further 2 years, as detailed in Appendices A1 and N of the report;

(m)         make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council; and

(n)           note the update to Individual Out of Area Placements at item 3.8 of the report and note potential supplementary work plans at item 3.4 of the report.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Grant Funding Arrangements - HSCP.23.005 pdf icon PDF 349 KB

Please note there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.



The Board had before it a report requesting approval to direct Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to extend grant funding arrangements. The report also advised of the key focus of attention expected of providers, and the opportunities offered to support the delivery of the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) strategic aims, and transformational activity.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve the expenditure for the Third sector interface as set out in Appendix A and business case in Appendix B of the report;

(b)           approve the expenditure for the Independent social care sector representative as set out in Appendix A and business case in Appendix C of the report;

(c)           approve the expenditure for four counselling services and a transport service, as set out in Appendix A and business case in Appendix D of the report; and

(d)           make the Direction in Appendix A of the report to Aberdeen City Council and instruct the Chief Officer to issue that Direction to Aberdeen City Council.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to provide an uplift to the grant funded providers to ensure equity with other social care providers; and

(ii)            to otherwise approve the recommendations.


Annual Procurement Workplan - HSCP.23.002 - Exempt Appendices


The Board resolved:-

to note that the recommendations had been approved at Article 11.


Grant Funding Arrangements - HSCP.23.005 - Exempt Appendices


The Board resolved:-

to note that the recommendations had been approved at Article 12.


Aberdeen City Vaccination Centre - HSCP.23.007


In accordance with the decision taken under article 3 above, the following item was considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board had before it a report from the Immunisation Programme Manager requesting authority for the Chief Officer to take any necessary steps to secure appropriate accommodation for the provision of vaccinations in the city.


The report recommended:-

that the Board delegate authority to the Chief Officer, following consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Integration Joint Board, to take any necessary steps to secure appropriate provision for a vaccination centre.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


IJB Meetings - 28 March 2023 (Budget) and 25 April 2023 (Additional)


The Board had before it the date of the next meetings:


28 March 2023, at 10am (Budget)

25 April 2023.


The Board resolved:-

to note the dates of the next meetings.