Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Room 5 - Health Village. View directions
Contact: Emma Robertson, Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Minutes: The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and explained that under Standing Order 3.1, Luan Grugeon had stepped down as Chair having been appointed to the role for two years. As the previous Vice Chair, Councillor Cooke had now taken over as Chair. He paid tribute to Luan for all her work as Chair during her two years and advised that she would be remaining on the Board as Vice Chair.
The Chair also paid tribute to NHS Grampian Staff Representative to the Board, Mike Adams who was retiring at the end of May 2023 after 41 years with the NHS. Members noted that Mike had been a Board Member since the shadow Integration Joint Board had been introduced. They thanked him for his considerable contributions and wished him well for his retirement.
The Board resolved:- to note the Chair’s remarks. |
Declarations of interest or transparency statements Minutes: Members were requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements in respect of the items on the agenda.
The Board resolved:- to note that Alison Murray advised that she had a connection in relation to agenda item 5.1 (IJB Scheme of Governance Annual Review) as she was a Carer Representative to the IJB, however, having applied the objective test she did not consider that her connection amounted to an interest which would prevent her from participating in the discussion on the item. |
Exempt Business Minutes: The Chair indicated that item 6.4 (Supplementary Procurement Work Plan (Social Care)) – HSCP.23.018 contained exempt information and therefore it was recommended that it be considered in private.
The Board resolved:- to consider the exempt sections of item 6.4 with the press and public excluded. |
Video Presentation Minutes: The Board received a video presentation from NESS (North East Sensory Services) which had been launched at their Annual Celebration event on 16 March 2023. The video promoted the range of services that North East Sensory Services delivered.
The Board resolved:- to note the video. |
Minute of Board Meeting of 31 January 2023 Minutes: The Board had before it the minute of its meeting of 31 January 2023.
The Board resolved:- to approve the minute as a correct record. |
Draft Minute of Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 28 February 2023 Minutes: The Board had before it the draft minute of the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 28 February 2023, for information.
The Board resolved:- to note the minute. |
Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 21 February 2023 Minutes: The Board had before it the draft minute of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 21 February 2023, for information.
The Board resolved:- to note the minute. |
Minutes: The Board had before it the Business Planner which was presented by the Chief Operating Officer who advised Members of the updates to reporting intentions and that further items would be added to future reporting cycles.
The Board resolved:- to agree the Planner. |
Seminar and Workshops Planner Minutes: The Board had before it the Seminars and Workshops Planner which was presented by the Chief Operating Officer.
The Board resolved:- (i) to note that invitations would be issued to all Members once dates were finalised with Workshop Leads; and (ii) to otherwise agree the Planner. |
Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.23.036 Minutes: The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP, who presented an update on highlighted topics and responded to questions from members.
The report recommended:- that the Board: (a) note the details contained in the report; and (b) approve the extension of the term of the existing Carer Representatives on the IJB in accordance with Standing Order 4.3.
The Board resolved:- (i) to congratulate staff on their recent appointments; and (ii) to otherwise agree the recommendations. |
IJB Scheme of Governance Annual Review - HSCP.23.023 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board had before it the revised Integration Scheme to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) and revised Scheme of Governance to the IJB for approval.
The report recommended: that the Board: (a) endorse the amended Integration Scheme (as attached at Appendix A of the report); (b) approve the Revised Standing Orders for the IJB (as attached at Appendix B of the report), with effect from 1 May 2023; (c) approve the Revised Terms of Reference (as attached at Appendix C of the report) with effect from 1 May 2023; (d) approve the Revised Roles and Responsibilities Protocol (as attached at Appendix D of the report) with effect from 1 May 2023; (e) approve the Revised Code of Conduct (as attached at Appendix E of the report) with effect from 1 May 2023; (f) instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to report to the IJB through the regular Chief Officer’s report when the Scottish Government had approved the revised Integration Scheme; and (g) agree to appoint the Chief Operating Officer to substitute for the Chief Officer in the absence of the Chief Officer.
The Board resolved:- (i) to instruct the Chief Operating Officer to undertake a review of the Carers’ Expenses Policy and to report back to the IJB in August 2023 in this regard; and (ii) to otherwise agree the recommendations. |
Annual Resilience report - HSCP.23.021 Minutes: The Board had before it the annual assurance report on the Integration Joint Board’s resilience arrangements in fulfilment of its duties as a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
The Business and Resilience Manager presented the report and responded to questions from members regarding engagement with communities, enhanced plans for vulnerable people and planning for winter 2023/24.
The report recommended:- that the Board note the progress made in further embedding the IJB’s resilience arrangements during 2022/23.
The Board resolved:- to agree the recommendation. |
Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework - HSCP.23.024 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board had before it a report on the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework. The Strategy and Transformation Lead introduced the report.
The report recommended:- that the Board: (a) approve the Biennial Progress Report in relation to the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework; (b) instruct the Chief Officer to publish the Progress Report and advise the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) when this was done; (c) approve the revised Guidance on Assessing the Impact of Policy and Practices; and (d) approve the revised Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework 2023-2025.
The Board resolved:- to agree the recommendations. |
Hosted Services - HSCP.23.025 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board had before it an update report on the performance of Hosted Services across Grampian.
The Strategy and Transformation Lead presented the report and responded to questions from members regarding Service Level Agreements and data handling.
The report recommended:- that the Board note the performance information in relation to the Hosted Services contained in Appendices A to E of the report.
The Board resolved:- to agree the recommendation. |
Supplementary Procurement Work Plan (Social Care) for 2023/24 - HSCP.23.018 Please note there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board had before it the Supplementary Procurement Work Plan for 2023/24 for expenditure on social care services, together with the associated procurement Business Case, for approval.
Neil Stevenson - Strategic Procurement Manager, presented the report and responded to questions from Members regarding Advocacy Services for children and the consultation process.
The report recommended:- that the Board: (a) approve the Tender, for a period of up to five years of a contract for Independent Advocacy Services, as is detailed in Appendices A1 and C of the report; and (b) make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council.
The Board resolved:- to approve the recommendations. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board had before it the recently published national Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan.
Jenny Rae – Transformation Programme Manager, ACHSCP presented the report and explained that the Suicide Prevention Strategy ‘Creating Hope Together’ was published in September 2022, jointly produced by the Scottish Government and COSLA. The new national 10-year strategy, and an associated action plan, replaced the current Suicide Prevention Action Plan ‘Every Life Matters’ which was published in 2018.
Members discussed the use of social media, early intervention and prevention and carer representation.
The report recommended:- that the Board: (a) note the progress on delivery of the national Suicide Prevention Strategy Action Plan and local implementation; and (b) instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress annually to the Integration Joint Board.
The Board resolved:- to approve the recommendations. |
Prevention and Early Intervention - HSCP.23.026 Additional documents: Minutes: The Board had before it a report on Prevention and Early Intervention that had been approved at the Aberdeen City Council Budget meeting on 1 March 2023. The Strategy and Transformation Lead spoke to the report and described the steps that the Chief Officer was taking to deliver their action in relation to it.
The report recommended:- that the Board note the report on Prevention and Early Intervention at Appendix A of the report and the Chief Officer’s intended actions in relation to it, detailed in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the report.
The Board resolved:- to approve the recommendation. |
Community Nursing Digitalisation - Morse - HSCP.23.022 Additional documents: Minutes: The Board had before it a report providing assurance regarding the implementation of the Morse application allowing electronic scheduling and patient record keeping for Community Nursing, Hospital at Home, Macmillan Nursing and School Nursing within the partnership area between August 2021 and June 2022.
Michelle Grant - Transformation Programme Manager, Data and Digital presented the report. Members commended the courageous decision to invest in digital technology where there had been recruitment challenges.
The report recommended:- that the Board note the evaluation appended in appendix A of the report.
The Board resolved:- (i) to instruct the Chief Officer, ACHSCP to present a one-year update report on the progress of the project; and (ii) to otherwise approve the recommendation. |
Supplementary Procurement Work Plan (Social Care) for 2023/24 - HSCP.23.018 - Exempt Appendices
Minutes: The Board resolved:- to note that the recommendations had been approved at Article 15. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The Board had before it the date of the next meeting as 6 June 2023 at 10am.
The Board resolved:- to note the date of the next meeting. |