Agenda and decisions
Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions
Contact: Emma Robertson, Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Decision: (i) to agree to defer item 7.1 (Draft Strategic Plan) in order to enable officers to fully focus on implementing the Recovery Plan at item 6.2 (Quarter 2 Financial Position), with a target of March 2025 for presentation of the Draft Strategic Plan item; and (ii) to otherwise note the Chair’s remarks. |
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements Members are requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements Decision: to note that the Vice Chair advised that he had a connection in relation to agenda item 7.5 (Specialist Mental Health and Learning Disability Services, Discharge Without Delay)by virtue of being a Member of the Diverse Experiences Advisory Panel, a named partner in the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan and the Depute Representative of said Group to the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Board, however having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting. |
IJB Membership - HSCP.24.103 PDF 241 KB Decision: (i) note the appointment, by Aberdeen City Council, of Councillor Lee Fairfull as voting member of the Integration Joint Board; (ii) appoint Councillor Lee Fairfull to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee; and (iii) reappoint Maggie Hepburn and Jim Currie as non-voting members of the Integration Joint Board. |
Video Presentation Decision: to note the video. |
Minute of Board Meeting of 24 September 2024 and Attendance Record PDF 241 KB Additional documents: Decision: (i) to note the Attendance Record; and (ii) to approve the minute as a correct record. |
Draft Minute of Risk Audit and Performance Committee of 10 September 2024 PDF 220 KB Decision: to note the minute. |
Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 1 October 2024 PDF 335 KB Decision: to note the minute. |
Decision: (i) to note the reason as described at article 1.1 of the agenda for the deferral of line 16 (Draft Strategic Plan); (ii) to note the reason for the deferral of line 22 (Fast Track Cities); and (iii) to otherwise agree the Planner. |
IJB Insights and Topic Specific Seminars Planner PDF 293 KB Decision: to agree the planners. |
Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.24.076 PDF 407 KB Decision: (i) to note the winter vaccination programme and the Chair’s thanks to staff after his positive experience at the Aberdeen City Vaccination and Wellbeing Hub; and (ii) to otherwise note the detail contained within the report. |
Recruitment and Selection of Chief Finance Officer - HSCP.24.088 PDF 747 KB Decision: (i) to note the detail contained within the report; (ii) to establish a temporary Committee of the IJB, to be called an Appointment Panel, constituting the Chair and Vice Chair of the IJB and the Chief Officer (who will act as Chair of the Appointment Panel), to interview candidates and make an appointment; (iii) to agree that in the absence of the Chair or Vice Chair of the IJB, that the IJB agrees that a voting member of the IJB from the relevant constituent body, substitutes for the Chair or Vice Chair of the IJB at the Appointment Panel; (iv) to agree that the appointment of the Chief Finance Officer shall be determined by the Appointment Panel, on behalf of the IJB; and (v) to agree that the Chief Officer makes arrangements for an Interim Chief Finance Officer should they consider it necessary to do so. |
Health and Social Care Partnership Meeting Dates 2025/26 - HSCP.24.079 PDF 386 KB Decision: to approve the Meeting Schedule for 2025-26 as at section 4.6 of the report. |
Getting it Right for Everyone (GIRFE) - HSCP.24.083 PDF 269 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (i) to note the content of the report on GIRFE and Putting People First; and (ii) to endorse the collaborative approach being taken to align approaches into a clear whole system approach. |
Quarter 2 Financial Position - HSCP.24.104 PDF 495 KB Additional documents: Decision: (i) to agree that a financial position update would be provided to every meeting of the IJB and RAPC going forward; (ii) to note the report in relation to the IJB budget and the information on areas of risk and approve the Recovery Plan attached as Appendix A to the report to address the projected overspend position; (iii) to approve the use of IJB uncommitted reserves, up to the value of £5.5m to account for the different 2024/25 financial scenarios, as described in the report, noting that if this were to happen than the IJB would have no uncommitted reserves to protect itself and two partners from financial crisis going forward; and (iv) to instruct the Chief Officer to meet with the NHS Grampian Director of Finance and Aberdeen City Council Chief Officer – Finance to seek to quantify and address the 2025/26 implications and budget setting process, including quantification of the financial risk that should be included in the NHS and Council budget modelling. |
Additional documents:
Decision: (i) to agree the Integration Joint Board’s Audited Accounts for 2023/24, as attached at Appendix A of the report; (ii) to instruct the Chief Finance Officer to submit the approved audited accounts to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council; (iii) to instruct the Chief Finance Officer to sign the representation letter, as attached at Appendix B of the report; and (iv) to note the recommendations and management comments on the annual Audit Report, as attached at Appendix C of the report. |
Primary Care Improvement Plan Update - HSCP.24.078 PDF 771 KB Decision: to note the content of the report as an update on current progress against the Primary Care Improvement Plan. |
Climate Change Project and Reporting - HSCP.24.080 PDF 244 KB Additional documents: Decision: (i) to approve the Climate Change Report; and (ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to submit the Climate Change Report to the Scottish Government by 30 November 2024. |
Chief Social Work Officer's Annual Report - HSCP.24.081 PDF 280 KB Additional documents: Decision: to note the content of the Annual Report, as attached at Appendix 1 of the report. |
Draft Strategic Plan - HSCP.24.085 PDF 269 KB Additional documents: |
Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Act 2024 - HSCP.24.086 PDF 264 KB Decision: (i) to note that the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Act 2024 became law after receiving Royal Assent on 22 July 2024; and (ii) to note the information contained in the report about the Act and the implications this had for the IJB and ACHSCP. |
Additional documents:
Decision: to agree and approve the Independent Living and Specialist Housing Provision Market Position Statement 2024 - 2034 (Appendix 1) as the reference for the provision of housing for varying needs in Aberdeen City. |
North East Population Alliance Strategic Partnership Agreement - HSCP.24.061 PDF 433 KB Decision: (i) to note the report and the information contained in the report; and (ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to provide a progress report to the IJB on the second year of the operation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement. |
Additional documents: Decision: (i) to note the content of the report; and (ii) to note that ongoing implementation of the improvement plan would be reported within Specialist MHLDS report to each meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee (CCGC). |
Decision: (i) to note the establishment of a Primary Care Out of Hours (GMED) Redesign Programme Board to consider service redesign options; (ii) to note the principles of the redesign as detailed in the Terms of Reference for the Redesign Programme Board, as detailed in Appendix A of the report; and (iii) to note the timeline for the Programme Board. |
Topic Specific Seminar - 14 January 2025 Decision: to note the date of the Topic Specific Seminar. |
IJB Insights Session - 28 January 2025 · Culture · Uptake of Childhood Immunisations · Putting People First · Criminal Justice Decision: to note the date of the IJB Insights Session. |
IJB Meetings - 4 February 2025 Decision: to note the date of the next meeting. |