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Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Rooms 4 & 5 - Health Village. View directions

Contact: Emma Robertson, Email: 


No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Welcome from the Chair


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and in particular the new NHS Grampian members David Blackbourn and Ritchie Johnson who were attending their first meeting of the IJB.


The Board resolved:-

to note the Chair’s remarks.


Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements

Members are requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements


Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest or transparency statements in respect of items on the agenda.


The Board resolved:-

to note that the Vice Chair advised that he had a connection in relation to all of  the agenda items by virtue of being a Member of the Diverse Experiences Advisory Panel, a named partner in the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan and the Depute Representative of said Group to the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Board, however having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Exempt Business

Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


Members were requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board resolved:-

to consider the exempt appendix during consideration of item 9.1 with the press and public excluded so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the class described in Appendix B (b) of the IJB Standing Orders which correspond to paragraphs 6 and 9 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


New IJB Members - HSCP.24.056 pdf icon PDF 239 KB


The Board had before it a report advising of a change to its voting membership, and seeking agreement to appoint new Members of the Risk, Audit and Performance and Clinical and Care Governance Committees.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          note the appointment, by NHS Grampian, of Ritchie Johnson as voting member of the Integration Joint Board;

(b)          appoint Ritchie Johnson to the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee;

(c)          note the appointment, by NHS Grampian, of Professor David Blackbourn as voting member of the Integration Joint Board; and

(d)          appoint Professor Blackbourn to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


Video Presentation: Check in on those around you


The Board received a video presentation entitled Check in on Those Around You which was produced by Norwich City Football Club in collaboration with Samaritans for World Mental Health Day 2023.


Members noted that 10 September 2024 was World Suicide Prevention Day, and that World Mental Health Day 2024 was on 10 October. The campaign and its initiatives would be based on this year’s official theme of, ‘It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’.


The Board resolved:-

to note the video.


Minute of Board Meeting of 9 July 2024 and Attendance Record pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the minute of its meeting of 9 July 2024 and the 2024

attendance record.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to note the Attendance Record; and

(ii)          to approve the minute as a correct record.


Business Planner pdf icon PDF 154 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner which was presented by the Chief

Operating Officer who advised Members of the updates to reporting intentions and that further items would be added to future reporting cycles.


The Board resolved:-

(i)        to note the reasons for the deferral of lines 16, 17 and 18 (Market Position Statement 2024-2034 on Independent Living and Specialist Housing Provision; Strategic Review of Neuro Rehabilitation Pathway; and North East Population Alliance Strategic Partnership Agreement); and

(ii)        to otherwise agree the Planner.


IJB Insights and Topic Specific Seminars Planner pdf icon PDF 210 KB


The Board had before it the IJB Insights Sessions and Topic Specific Seminars Planners prepared by the Strategy and Transformation Manager.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the Planners.


Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.24.055 pdf icon PDF 336 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP.  The Chief Operating Officer presented the update on highlighted topics and responded to questions from members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)         note the detail contained within the report; and

(b)         instruct the Chief Officer to report the outcomes of the eMAR project to the IJB in May 2025.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


National Care Service - HSCP.24.060 pdf icon PDF 261 KB


The Board had before it an update on the progress of the National Care Service Scotland) Bill prepared by the Chief Operating Officer, who presented the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          note the progress of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill through the Scottish Parliament’s legislative process;

(b)          note that the Scottish Government had not yet published draft amendments to the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill in the areas of direct funding, the potential inclusion of children’s services and justice social work within the scope of a national care service, or ‘Anne’s Law’; and

(c)          instruct the Chief Operating Officer to report back to the Integration Joint Board following Stage 2 of the Scottish Parliament’s legislative process.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


IJB Budget Protocol - HSCP.24.054 pdf icon PDF 427 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report presenting the proposed Budget Protocol. The Transformation Programme Manager presented the report and advised Members that online consultation events were planned from October to December 2024.


The report recommended:-

that the Board approve the Integration Joint Board Budget Protocol at Appendix A of the report with effect from 25 September 2024.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to note that a schedule of the events would be circulated to Members; and

(ii)          to otherwise agree the recommendation.


ACHSCP Annual Report - HSCP.24.057 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report prepared by the Transformation Programme Manager seeking approval to publish the ACHSCP Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2023-2024 and to instruct the Chief Officer to present the report to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian for their information.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          note the performance that had been achieved in 2023-24, the second year of the Strategic Plan 2022-25;

(b)          approve the publication of the Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A of the report) on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) website; and

(c)          instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved Annual Performance Report to both Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian Board.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to note that the Annual Performance Report was to be updated with national indicators when available;

(ii)        to approve the publication of the Annual Performance Report 2023-24 on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) website with the updates referred to at (i) above;

(iii)       to bring a condensed version of the APR to the IJB for information once developed; and

(iv)       to otherwise agree the recommendations.


ACHSCP Health and Care Experience Report 2023-2024 - HSCP.24.075 pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report providing information on the findings from the Health and Care Experience survey for 2023-2024.  The Transformation Programme Manager introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board note the information provided.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendation.


Discharge without Delay - HSCP.24.062 pdf icon PDF 398 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report providing an update on improvement activity in respect of the national oversight of Discharge Without Delay.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          note the content of the report;

(b)          note that ongoing implementation of the improvement plan would be reported to each meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee and the financial consequences to RAPC; and

(c)          instruct the Chief Officer to bring an update of the Mental Health and Learning Disability action plan to the IJB in November.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


Digital Innovation Programme: Right Care, Right Time, Right Place - HSCP.24.071 pdf icon PDF 659 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report prepared by the Transformation Programme Manager seeking approval for the investment of Digital Innovation Services and instructing the Chief Operating Officer to develop a full business case for investment in Technology Enabled Care.  The Chief Operating Officer introduced the team that had worked on the programme, who proceeded to introduce the report and respond to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          agree to the development and provision of Digital Innovation Services as described in the Full Business Case attached at Appendix 1 of the report;

(b)          approve the expenditure for the provision of Digital Innovation Services as outlined in Appendix 1 of the report;

(c)          make the Direction at Appendix 3 of the report to Aberdeen City Council and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council;

(d)          note the Outline Business Case in respect of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) at Appendix 2 of the report; and

(e)          instruct the Chief Operating Officer to report back within nine months with a Full Business Case in respect of Technology Enabled Care and to seek external funding opportunities, including with the Scottish Government, to support the delivery of a Full Business Case.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


Strategic Risk Register - HSCP.24.058 pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it an updated version of the Strategic Risk Register prepared by the Business, Resilience and Communications Lead, who introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board approve the revised Strategic Risk Register as detailed in the Appendix to the report.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendation.


Supplementary Procurement Workplan 2024/25 - HSCP.24.066 pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Please note that there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report presenting a Supplementary Procurement Work Plan for 2024/25, for expenditure on social care services and the associated procurement Business Case.  The Strategic Procurement Manager introduced the report.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          approve the extension for four months to the current Adult Carers Support Services contracts and, also approve the recommendation to undertake a tender, and subsequent award of a contract or contracts, for Adult & Young Carers Support Services for five years plus two additional one year extensions, as detailed in Appendices A1 and C of the report; and

(b)          make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council.


The Board resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.


Supplementary Procurement Workplan 2024/25 - HSCP.24.066 - Exempt Appendices


The Board resolved:-

to note the recommendations approved at article 17 of this minute.


IJB Insights Session - 29 October 2024

·         Culture

·         Code of Conduct

·         Health Improvement Fund

·         Social Care and Criminal Justice


The Board had before it the date of the next IJB Insights Session as 29 October 2024.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to note that a session on Risk Appetite would be added to the IJB Insights Session; and

(ii)          to note the date of the IJB Insights Session.


Topic Specific Seminar - 5 November 2024

·         Strategic Plan for Public Consultation 

·         Budget Consultation


The Board had before it the date of the next Topic Specific Seminar as 5 November 2024.


The Board resolved:-

to note the date of the Topic Specific Seminar.


Integration Joint Board - 19 November 2024


The Board had before it the date of the Integration Joint Board meeting as 19 November 2024.


The Board resolved:-

to note the date of the next meeting.