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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Room 4 - W - 01 of Marischal College

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at the following link: -


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Opening Remarks


The Vice Chair opened the meeting and explained that the Chair had been delayed and he would assume the Chair until she arrived. The Vice Chair also advised that the meeting was not quorate as per standing order 27 therefore the Joint Committee could not make resolutions until the necessary number of members were present but proposed to hear agenda item 6 (Programme Update) and item 7 (Programme Update – Additional) as these items did not require the Joint Committee’s agreement or approval.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

To note that the meeting was not quorate and to agree to hear agenda items 6 (Programme Update) and 7 (Programme Update – Additional) as the first items of business.



Councillor Richard Thomson and the Vice Chair declared an interest by virtue of their positions as substantive and substitute Board members of ONE but remained in the meeting as per the requirements of the Standards Commission Dispensation provided to members of the Joint Committee on 9 August 2016.


Sir Ian Wood declared an interest with regards to agenda item 5 (Oil and Gas Technology Centre Business Plan) by virtue of his Chairmanship of the OGTC Board but chose to remain in the meeting.


Programme Update pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The Joint Committee had before it a report by John-Paul Cleary (CRD Programme Manager, ACC) which provided an update on the Programme to develop the specific projects under the City Region Deal Heads of Terms (£250m).


The report recommended –

that the Joint Committee note the progress of the Aberdeen City Region Deal Programme.


John-Paul Cleary (CRD Programme Manager, ACC) spoke to the report and advised that discussions with the two governments were ongoing and he advised that the Assurance Framework attached as Appendix 4 under item 4 (Aberdeen City Region Deal Agreement) would set out the agreed approach to investment and governance to be taken by both governments in relation to the City Region Deal. He also highlighted that the Aberdeen City Region Deal had been represented on a two day Green Book workshop arranged by the Scottish Government which focussed on business case development. The Joint Committee was then provided an update on the various elements of the City Region Deal:


(i)        With regards to the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, the Joint Committee was reminded that this item was on today’s agenda under item 4;


(ii)       With regards to the Agri-Food and Nutrition Innovation Hub, the Joint Committee was advised that an outline business case would be presented to the Hub’s Board on 18 August 2016;


(iii)      With regards to the Bio-Therapeutic Innovation Centre, the Joint Committee was informed that a business case and plan would be drafted by October 2016 and that additional testing of the concept had been undertaken to evaluate links between clinical research and commercial organisations;


(iv)      With regards to Digital Infrastructure, the Joint Committee was advised that a gap analysis had been completed that mapped current provision of broadband across the city region to identify gaps in broadband connectivity. Lead officers would also be meeting with the Scottish Government, Scottish Futures Trust and Cube Ultra on 16 August 2016 to identify projects for CRD investment. A draft business case would be prepared by officers by the end of August 2016;


(v)       With regards to the Strategic Transport Appraisal, the Joint Committee was informed that lead officers would be meeting with Transport Scotland on 24 August 2016 to discuss governance, the work programme and funding arrangements with a focus on how CRD funding would be managed; and


(vi)      With regards to the Harbour Expansion Project, the Joint Committee was advised that the scope of the infrastructure work was still to be defined. Lead officers would be meeting with the Harbour Board and Scottish Futures Trust to discuss funding levels and expected expenditure. A decision on the expansion project has been scheduled for October 2016.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note the progress of the Aberdeen City Region Deal Programme; and

(ii)       to advise that a report would be presented to Aberdeen City Council on 17 August 2016 which would provide members with an options appraisal on the devolution of existing and proposed (via the Scotland Bill)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Programme Update - Additional pdf icon PDF 60 KB


The Joint Committee had before it a report by John-Paul Cleary which provided an update on the additional funding of £254m announced by the Scottish Government when the City Region Deal Heads of Terms Agreement was signed in January 2016.


The report recommended –

that the Joint Committee note the update on the additional funding.


John-Paul Cleary spoke to the report and advised members that lead officers had entered into in discussions with the Scottish Government on integrating the additional funding into the existing governance arrangements for the City Region Deal. He explained that these discussions had not yet led to a formal agreement but noted that a Memorandum of Understanding was being developed between partners undertaking City Region Deal measures and the Scottish Government and this would cover responsibility for control, oversight and other governance protocols. Mr Cleary then provided the Joint Committee with an update on the Housing; Digital; and Transportation elements of the additional funding agreement.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note the update on the additional funding; and

(ii)       to request that ONE representatives are copied into all correspondence between the constituent authorities and the Scottish Government with regards to the development of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding in relation to the additional funding of £254m.






The Chair declared an interest by virtue of her position as a Board member of ONE but remained in the meeting as per the requirements of the Standards Commission Dispensation provided to members of the Joint Committee on 9 August 2016.


Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Chair proposed that item 5 (Oil and Gas Technology Centre Business Plan) of today’s agenda (item 8 of this minute) be considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board resolved:-

In terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the aforementioned item of business so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in paragraph 6 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.


Minute of Previous Meeting - 10 June 2016 pdf icon PDF 133 KB


The Joint Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 10 June 2016 for approval.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


To exclude the press and public in terms of Section 50 A(2) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and the information is deemed to be confidential in terms of Section 50 A(3)(a) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 having been furnished by a government department upon terms which forbid disclosure.


The Chair proposed that in terms of Section 50A(2) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the following item be considered with the press and public excluded as the information is deemed to be confidential in terms of Section 50A(3)(a) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 having been furnished by a government department upon terms which forbid disclosure.


The Board resolved:-

to exclude the press and public in terms of Section 50A(3)(a) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as the information is deemed to be confidential.


Aberdeen City Region Deal Agreement


The Joint Committee had before it a report by Richard Sweetnam (Head of Economic Development, ACC).


The report recommended –

that the Joint Committee

a)           Recommend to its Constituent Authorities (Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council) and to Opportunity North East to approve the Aberdeen City Region Deal Agreement; the Implementation Plan; the Financial Plan; and the Assurance Framework; and

b)           Recommend to its Constituent Authorities (Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council) and to Opportunity North East to approve that Aberdeenshire Council would act as the lead accountable body for the City Region Deal Joint Committee.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

To approve the recommendations as set out in the report.


Oil and Gas Technology Centre Business Plan


The Joint Committee had before it a report by John-Paul Cleary outlining the business case for the Oil and Gas Technology Centre project within the innovation theme of the Aberdeen City Region Deal.


The report recommended –

That the Joint Committee approves the business case proposed in the report, subject to approval of the overall City Region Deal by Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council; and approval of the overall City Region Deal by the UK Government and Scottish Government.


The Joint Committee resolved:-

To approve the recommendation as set out in the report.