Committee details
Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee
Purpose of committee
Please note that the clerking of the City Region Deal Joint Committee is shared between Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council.
The Agenda, reports and minutes of meetings held between May 2021 and May 2022 will be available on the Aberdeenshire Council website here
The Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee is a Joint Committee established by Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council (the “Constituent Authorities”) under s56 and s57 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.
The creation of the Joint Committee represents the joint commitment of the Constituent Authorities and Opportunity North East (“ONE”) to support and oversee the implementation of the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
In particular it shall have the power to:
1. Approve Business Cases for City Region Deal projects and any other related documentation with the exception of those where approval is reserved to either or both of the Constituent Authorities.
2. Make recommendations to the Constituent Authorities and ONE in respect of projects within the City Region Deal Strategic and Policy plans.
3. Monitor the effectiveness of the implementation and the delivery of the City Region Deal and to report to the Constituent Authorities on progress.
4. Receive updates from the United Kingdom and Scottish Governments in connection with any aspect of the City Region Deal, projects relating to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the United Kingdom and Scottish Governments and the Constituent Authorities or additional United Kingdom and Scottish Government investment and any related projects.
5. Approve (i) the overall programme funding for the City Region Deal; and (ii) the detailed breakdown and use of the Constituent Authorities’ financial contributions to the City Region Deal in relation to such overall programme funding for the City Region Deal where this relates to programme funding already committed and approved by the relevant Constituent Authority.
6. Approve operational expenditure within agreed Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee budgets allocated by the Constituent Authorities and/or ONE in order to further the aims of the City Region Deal.
7. Provide feedback to the United Kingdom Government and Scottish Government on the implementation of the City Region Deal and any strategic, economic or infrastructure activities associated with the City Region Deal.
8. Appoint three representatives and three named substitutes of ONE to the membership of the Joint Committee.
These terms of reference will be kept under review by the Constituent Authorities, ONE and the Joint Committee throughout the implementation of the City Region Deal to ensure sufficient accountability of public funds provided through City Region Deal funding.
Executive Lead for the Council: Chief Officer – City Growth
- Councillor Ian Yuill (Chairperson)
- Councillor Anne Stirling (Vice-Chairperson)
- Councillor Christian Allard
- Councillor Gillian Owen
- Councillor Gwyneth Petrie
- Councillor Miranda Radley
- Professor George Boyne
- Jennifer Craw MBE ONE
- Sir Ian Wood ONE
- Councillor Alexander McLellan (Reserve)
- Councillor Ryan Houghton (Reserve)
- Councillor M. Tauqeer Malik (Reserve)
- Councillor John Cox (Reserve) Aberdeenshire Council
- Councillor Isobel Davidson (Reserve)
- Councillor Alison Evison (Reserve) Aberdeenshire Council
- Stanley Morrice (Reserve)
- Steven Olivier (Reserve)
- Mark Masson (Clerk)
Contact information
Support officer: Mark Masson, email, or telephone 01224 067556.