Agenda and minutes
Venue: 4-W-01 of Marischal College
Contact: Emma Parr, Email:, tel 01224 522607
No. | Item |
The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be located at the following link:
Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered. |
Determination of Exempt Business Minutes: The Chair proposed that the Committee consider items 7 and 8 with the press and public excluded.
The Joint Committee resolved:- in terms of Section 50 (A) (4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for items 7 and 8 so as to avoid disclosure of information of the class described in paragraph 6 of schedule 7 (A) of the Act. |
The Chair and Vice Chair declared interests by virtue of their positions as substantive Board members of ONE but remained in the meeting as per the requirements of the Standards Commission Dispensation provided to members of the Joint Committee on 9 August 2016. |
Minute of the Previous Meeting of 11 November 2016 PDF 106 KB Minutes: The Joint Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 11 November 2016 for approval.
The Joint Committee resolved:- to approve the minute as a correct record subject to the change that under declarations of interest, the Chair and Vice Chair were referred to as both substantive and substitute Board members of ONE but that they should be referred to as substantive members only. |
Programme Dashboard PDF 158 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Joint Committee had before it a report by the City Region Deal (CRD) Programme Manager for Aberdeen City Council which provided an update on the City Region Deal, its constituent workstreams and also the work programme under the additional £254 million.
The report recommended:- That the Joint Committee note the content of the report and the progress made.
The CRD Programme Manager presented the report and in relation to the programme finances advised the Joint Committee that the financial agreement had been signed by both Councils on 15 November. The second interim agreement between Aberdeenshire and Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) was in place for quarter 4 2016/17 funding with a more substantive agreement being drawn up for 2017/18. The process of moving finances between the two Councils was currently being defined with a meeting set up to discuss.
The Joint Committee was advised that the Communications and Marketing was to be led by Kate Bond, Aberdeenshire Council, and that a representative would be at future meetings.
In relation to the OGTC, the first three Solution Centres had been identified and there were regular meetings set up between the CRD Programme Manager and OGTC managers. The Joint Committee was also advised that the website for the Centre had been launched.
In relation to the Agri-Food and Nutrition Innovation Centre, the CRD Programme Manager advised that work was underway on the business case but that there will be a delay of three months due to availability of the consultants involved in putting together the business case.
In relation to the Strategic Transport Appraisal workstreams, the CRD Programme Manager advised that there was some slippage of interim Aberdeen Sub Area Model upgrade reported and that the forecast expenditure this year reduced from £970k to £180k due to expenditure on existing project studies not approved to begin by the Transport Workstream Group.
The Joint Committee resolved:- (i) to note the content of the report and the progress made; (ii) to note that the Scottish Government will report to the Board every 6 months regarding the additional £254 million funding; and (iii) to note that the Housing workstream will be reported to the Board on a regular basis. |
Financial Update - Verbal Minutes: Alan Wood, Aberdeenshire Council, advised there was nothing further to add to the update provided on the programme dashboard.
The Joint Committee resolved:- to note the position. |
The Chair intimated that she had directed in terms of Section 50 (B) 4 (b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the following item be considered as a matter of urgency due to enable the business case to be approved at the earliest opportunity. |
Digital Infrastructure Business Case PDF 181 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Joint Committee had before it a report by the Digital Programme Manager at Aberdeen City Council which sought approval of the business case for the Digital Infrastructure project within the Innovation theme of the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
The report recommended:– That the Joint Committee approve the business case subject to – (a) approval of the business case by the UK Government and the Scottish Government; (b) changes required to reflect additional information obtained on the R100 national digital programme and other UK Government and Scottish Government feedback; and (c) positive peer review by the Enabling Group.
The Digital Programme Manager advised that they were working with the Scottish Government to help shape the National Programme and to ensure Aberdeen City Region Deal’s regional objectives were met and that timescales were still feasible.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations. |
Harbour Expansion Project PDF 178 KB Minutes: The Joint Committee had before it a report by the CRD Programme Manager which provided an update on progress of the Aberdeen Harbour Expansion Project.
The report recommended:- That the Joint Committee note the content of the report.
James Bell, Financial Director for the Aberdeen Harbour Board was in attendance for this report.
The Chair emphasised that it was important that the schedules for the work at Aberdeen Harbour tie up with other scheduled works in the area, for instance the Energy from Waste project, to minimise disruption to the public.
The Joint Committee resolved:- (i) to note the content of the report; and (ii) to note that a business case for the £11 million supporting infrastructure project is to be reported to a future meeting of the Joint Committee with clarity on the legal position ensuring state aid compliance. |
In accordance with the decision recorded under Article 1 of this minute, the following items were considered with the press and public excluded. |
Digital Infrastructure Business Case - Market Assessment - Gap Analysis Minutes: The Joint Committee resolved:- to note the appended exempt information for the Digital Infrastructure Business Case. |
Digital Infrastructure Business Case - Appendix B Minutes: The Joint Committee resolved:- to note the exempt appendix B for the Digital Infrastructure Business Case. |