Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions
Contact: Lynsey McBain, Email: or 01224 522123
No. | Item |
The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be foundhere.
Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.
Determination of Exempt Business Minutes: The Convener proposed that the Committee consider item 12.1 (Aberdeen Crematorium) and item 12.2 ( City Centre Multi Storey Blocks - Progress on Full Options Appraisal – exempt appendices) with the press and public excluded from the meeting.
The Committee resolved:- in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the above items so as to avoid disclosure of information of the classes described in the following paragraphs of Schedule 7(A) to the Act:- articles 16 (paragraphs 1 and 3) and 17 (paragraphs 1 and 8).
Declarations of Interest
Minutes: Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest or transparency statements in respect of the items on today’s agenda, thereafter the following was intimated:-
Councillor Brooks noted the following transparency statement:-
· In relation to item 11.1 on the agenda, Participatory Budgeting, that he was the Chairperson of TLC who had been supported by ACVO, who were referenced in the report. Councillor Brooks did not consider that this connection amounted to an interest which would prevent him from participating in the consideration of that item.
Minute of the Previous Meeting of 14 March 2023 Minutes: The Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 14 March, 2023 for approval.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the minute as a correct record. |
Committee Business Planner Minutes: The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).
The Committee resolved:- (i) to remove item 7 – Protests and Processions, as a Service Update had been issued in this regard; (ii) to request that officers ascertain when the Service Update would be issued to Members in relation to item 10 – Aberdeen Water Safety; (iii) to note that it was anticipated that item 11 – Trusted Trader Scheme would be reported to the next committee; and (iv) to otherwise note the planner.
Notice of Motion by Councillor Tissera - referred from Council meeting of 26 April 2023. · Notes the decision taken by the Administration to deny the public a voice at the last Council meeting. · Notes the Administration have agreed to shut 6 well-loved libraries in our city, 2 of which are in the ward of Councillor Hazel Cameron. · Notes that libraries are community facilities with many uses, including helping teach children to read and notes Aberdeen City Council’s active support for libraries on their website specifically saying children are never too young to join the library.
That the Committee agrees to:- · Note the decision taken by the Administration to deny the public a voice at the last Council meeting; · Note the Administration have agreed to shut 6 well-loved libraries in our city, 2 of which are in the ward of Councillor Hazel Cameron; · Note that libraries are community facilities with many uses, including helping teach children to read and note Aberdeen City Council’s active support for libraries on their website specifically saying children are never too young to join the library; · Note the words used by Councillor Hazel Cameron when defending library closures “that buildings will not teach your children to read” and strongly disagrees with this position; and · Affirm the benefits of libraries in helping children learn to read.
Councillor Tissera moved her Notice of Motion and explained the rationale behind her request. Councillor Bonsell seconded the Notice of Motion.
The Convener, seconded by Councillor Greig, moved as an amendment:- that the Committee take no action.
On a division, there voted:- for the motion (6) – Councillors Bonsell, Brooks, Cross, Graham, Mrs Stewart and Thomson; for the amendment (7) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Clark, Copland, Delaney, the Depute Provost, Greig and McLellan.
The Committee resolved:- to adopt the amendment.
In terms of Standing Order 34.1, Councillor Graham intimated that he would like this matter to be referred to full Council in order for a final decision to be taken. Councillor Graham was supported by Councillors Bonsell, Brooks, Cross, Mrs Stewart and Thomson.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by Scottish Fire and Rescue, which presented the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Thematic Report – Rescue and Specialist Support.
The Committee heard from Mr Chay Ewing, Area Commander, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, who spoke in furtherance of the report and answered questions from Members.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) consider and note the information provided in this report. Appendix A Thematic Report – Rescue and Specialist Support (Aberdeen City); and (b) note that the Local Senior Officer would make arrangements with the clerk to facilitate a visit(s) to SFRS facilities in Aberdeen.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations.
Police Scotland - verbal update Minutes: The Committee heard from Superintendent Neil McDonald, Police Scotland, who provided a verbal update to Members on various Police matters.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to note that Police Scotland would provide further written information to Members on the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland via the clerk; and (ii) to otherwise thank Police Scotland for their verbal update.
Performance Report - COM/23/114 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Data and Insights, which presented Members with the status of appropriate key performance measures relating to certain Operations, Customer and Commissioning services.
The report recommended:- that the Committee note the report and provide comments and observations on the performance information contained in the report Appendix.
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained in the report.
Participatory Budgeting - CUS/23/134 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, which presented information on the impact of Participatory Budgeting in Aberdeen. The report explained Participatory Budgeting was an innovative process which enabled residents to have direct decision making powers over the allocation of resources in their communities.
The report recommended:- that the Committee notes the progress on implementing Participatory Budgeting.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendation.
Housing Strategy Report - COM/23/127 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which provided an update on the work being undertaken by the Housing Strategy Team and the next steps in relation to the review of the Local Housing Strategy.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) note the progress made in relation to the joint Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) 3; (b) instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to report back to this Committee with a timeline for the review of Aberdeen City’s Local Housing Strategy within six months of receiving confirmation from the Centre for Housing Market Analysis (CHMA) that the HNDA is “robust and credible”; and (c) note the progress made in relation to accommodation for individuals with complex care needs.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations.
Piper Alpha Memorial - RES/23/151 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which provided an update on the current situation regarding the Piper Alpha Memorial and the North Sea Memorial Rose Gardens at Hazlehead Park.
Members asked questions on the report and it was noted that when a report was ready it would be considered by Full Council.
The report recommended:- that the Committee note the contents of the report.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendation.
Parks & Open Areas Management Rules 2024 - RES/23/143 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which sought approval to make new Management Rules for Parks and Outdoor Areas within the remit of Aberdeen City Council as the existing Management Rules were due to expire in March 2024.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approves the draft Aberdeen City Council (Parks and Outdoor Areas) Management Rules 2024 as set out in Appendix 2 subject to the appropriate consultation being undertaken; (b) instructs the Chief Officer - Operations and Protective Services to conduct a public consultation on the proposed Management Rules; (c) instructs the Chief Officer - Operations and Protective Services to report back to committee if significant objections or comments, which have not been withdrawn, addressed or resolved, are received during the public consultation with: (a) the results of the public consultation; and (b) a recommendation as to the form the Management Rules should take following the public consultation; and (d) instructs the Interim Chief Officer - Governance to execute the Management Rules on behalf of Aberdeen City Council if no significant objections or comments are received during the public consultation or any such objections or comments as are received during the public consultation are withdrawn, addressed or resolved; and authorise that Chief Officer, before executing the Management Rules, to make any minor amendments to the Management Rules which they consider to be necessary.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations.
City Centre Multi Storey Blocks - Progress on Full Options Appraisal - RES/23/149 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, which updated the committee on progress towards the production of a full option appraisal of the city centre multi storey blocks as instructed by Council at its budget meeting on 10 March 2021.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) notes the contents of the exempt Appendices 11 A, B, C and D - Building Survey Reports; and Appendix 11 E - Life Cycle Options report; (b) instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to undertake an extensive consultation exercise with tenants, owners and other stakeholders; and (c) instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report these findings to this Committee in the summer of 2024, with recommendations as to potential decisions that may then be made.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which presented the findings of the recent Food Standards Scotland’s Audit, at Aberdeen City Council (ACC), of the Local Authority implementation of Interventions Food Law Code of Practice (Scotland) Food Law Enforcement Services and provided details on the actions for Protective Services to address through their audit recommendations.
The report recommended:- that the Committee - (a) notes the Audit report findings and the associated Action Plan as set out in Appendix A; (b) notes the update on current progress following the Audit report findings detailed in Appendix B; (c) instructs the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to provide the Committee with a progress update of the audit “Action Plan” on 5 September 2023 detailed in Appendix B; and (d) instructs the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to report back to the Committee with the “Annual Service Plan” report that details future service delivery, for Food law interventions, considering the Food Standards Scotland Audit findings.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations.
Housing Improvement Group - Capital Works Improvements - RES/23/158 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, which considered issues that arise from tenants refusing capital improvement works and options on how to better progress such works along with also considering the Council approach to communal repairs and replacement in properties in shared ownership.
The report recommended:- that the Committee - (a) notes that officers within Corporate Landlord, Early Intervention and Community Empowerment and Capital were working on improvements around provision of information and support to tenants impacted by planned capital works; (b) instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report back to this Committee on progress towards introducing those outcomes referred to in (a) above; and (c) notes the options set out in the report with regard to enforcement of capital works and instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to investigate further the legal impact of the options and report their findings back to this Committee in due course;
The Committee resolved:- (i) to note that the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord intimated that the date for reporting back to this committee would be November 2023; and (j) to otherwise approve the recommendations.
In accordance with the decision taken at Article 1 of this minute, the following items were considered with the press and public excluded.
Cremation Aberdeen Crematorium - RES/23/147
Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which provided information in relation to Aberdeen Crematorium.
The report recommended:- that the Committee note the report.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendation.
City Centre Multi Storey Blocks - Progress on Full Options Appraisal - RES/23/149 Minutes: The Committee had before it exempt appendices relating to the City Centre Multi Storey Blocks – Progress on Full Option Appraisal. (Article 13 of this minute refers)
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained within the exempt appendices. - Councillor Miranda Radley, Convener