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Licensing Committee

This page lists the meetings for Licensing Committee.


Information about Licensing Committee

Please note agendas are retained online indefinitely.  

To watch webcasts of this committee, please use this link



To deal with the functions of the Council in relation to all licensing matters under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 and all other Acts (not falling specifically within the remit of the Licensing Board or any other Committee) covering personal or other licences, certificates and permits. This includes but is not restricted to applications for Mandatory and Discretionary Licences under Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982; and Miscellaneous

Licences under other Legislation.


Mandatory Licences

Metal Dealer Licences

Houses in Multiple Occupation Licences

Indoor Sports Entertainment Licences

Knife Dealer Licences

Skin Piercing and Tattoo Licences

Taxi Booking Office Licences

Short-Term Lets Licences


Discretionary Licences

Taxi and Private Hire Car Licences

Public Entertainment Licences

Taxi and Private Hire Car Driver Licences

Late Hours Catering Licences

Second Hand Dealer Licences

Window Cleaner Licences

Boat Hire Licences

Sex Shop Licences

Street Trader Licences

Permission to organisations for public charitable collections and public processions

Market Operator Licences


Miscellaneous Licences under other Legislation

Houses in Multiple Occupation - Housing (Scotland) Act 2006

Registration of Private Landlords - Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004

Theatre Licence – Theatres Act 1968

Cinema Licence - Cinemas Act 1985

Safety in Sports Grounds - Safety in Sports Grounds Act 1975



The Committee will:

1.           determine applications for the grant, renewal, revocation, variation or suspension of any licence as appropriate;

2.           determine applications and reviews for Houses in Multiple Occupation under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 (the responsibility for all other matters relating to the licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation resting with the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee);

3.           determine all other matters relating to licensing including the setting of taxi fares and the designation of taxi stances;

4.           approve and monitor the Council’s functions under the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975;

5.           determine landlord registration applications under the Antisocial Behaviour Etc (Scotland) Act 2004;

6.           determine film classifications under the Cinemas Act 1985;

7.           determine theatre licences under the Theatres Act 1968; and

8.           determine which of the optional licences they will invoke and which categories of activity within those licence categories shall be licenced under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.


Executive Lead:  Chief Officer - Governance