Committee details
Strategic Commissioning Committee
Purpose of committee
Please note that online agendas are retained indefinitely
Terms of Reference 2021
To approve all internal and external commissioning activity by the Council, in accordance with the commissioning cycle, with the exception of procurement relating to the Capital Programme.
1. |
1.1 |
to receive a bi-annual Population Needs Assessment to understand the needs which public bodies must address; |
1.2 |
to receive, as appropriate, an in-depth analysis of key groups, priorities and challenges across public services to identify and action potential efficiencies and improvements to help ensure that the needs of customers and citizens are met and commissioning intentions are delivered; and |
1.3 |
to receive, as appropriate, sufficiency and market analyses to understand existing and potential provider strengths and weaknesses, and identify and take action in respect of any opportunities for improvement or change in providers. |
2. |
2.1 |
to endorse the refresh of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) including recommending any changes which may be required; and |
2.2 |
to approve annual procurement workplans, reflecting the LOIP, the Population Needs Assessment, the Council’s commissioning intentions, the Council’s service standards, the views of customers and citizens, and the best evidence of effective interventions to ensure a preventative focus on demand reduction. |
Doing |
3.1 |
to approve all procurement activity by the Council, with the exception of procurement relating to the Capital Programme which will be approved by the City Growth and Resources Committee, including |
3.1.1 |
Procurement Business Cases submitted in accordance with Procurement Regulations; |
3.1.2 |
Grants and associated conditions; |
3.1.3 |
Contract management arrangements and Service Level Agreements; and |
3.1.4 |
The establishment of Arm’s Length External Organisations (ALEOs) where it is determined that services should not be provided in-house. |
3.2 |
when approving procurement activity, the Committee will: |
3.2.1 |
promote investment in the prevention, early intervention and reduction in the demand for services; consider the experience of customers and take such action to ensure that services to be commissioned are co-designed to meet customers’ needs; |
3.2.2 |
ensure that commissioned services are focused on delivering the Council’s agreed commissioning intentions and contribution to the LOIP; and |
3.2.3 |
identify potential efficiencies and improvements in quality, including across partner organisations and promote the strategic allocation of resources. |
3.3 |
to decommission services, including ALEOs, that do not meet the Council’s commissioning intentions and outcomes. |
3.4 |
to take such action to ensure that appropriate supply management and capacity building (market facilitation) is in place to ensure a good mix of resilient service providers, that offer customers an element of choice in how their needs are met; |
3.5 |
to approve the Strategy Framework to facilitate the delivery of agreed outcomes. |
4. |
4.1 |
to approve amendments to the Council’s Performance Management Framework (PMF); |
4.2 |
to receive annual reports on the LOIP and Locality Partnership Plans; |
4.3 |
to consider and monitor performance associated with the Council’s agreed commissioning intentions and ultimate contribution to the LOIP outcomes; |
4.4 |
to receive annual reports from each of the council’s ALEOs to enable scrutiny of performance; |
4.5 |
to receive an annual procurement performance report to enable scrutiny of performance; and |
4.6 |
to receive reports on any change in legislative requirements, policy and population needs which may facilitate opportunities to work differently to improve outcomes or may require revisions to existing commissioning intentions and outcomes. |
5. |
Service Delivery
5.1 |
The Committee will, for the Commercial and Procurement cluster:- |
5.1.1 |
oversee, and make decisions relating to service delivery; |
5.1.2 |
approve options to improve/transform service delivery; |
5.1.3 |
scrutinise operational performance and service standards in line with the Performance Management Framework and consider recommendations for improvements where required; |
5.1.4 |
receive the cluster risk registers relative to its remit and scrutinise to ensure assurance of the controls in place; |
5.1.5 |
approve all policies and strategies relative to its remit; and |
5.1.6 |
receive reports on inspections and peer reviews in order to ensure best practice and note any actions arising from those inspections and reviews. |
Executive Lead: Director of Commissioning
- Councillor Ian Yuill (Convener)
- Councillor Michael Hutchison (Vice Convener)
- Councillor Nurul Hoque Ali
- Councillor Christian Allard
- Councillor Jennifer Bonsell
- Councillor Richard Brooks
- Councillor Hazel Cameron
- Councillor Lee Fairfull
- Councillor Emma Farquhar
- Councillor Michael Kusznir
- Councillor Alexander McLellan
- Councillor Kairin van Sweeden
- Councillor Simon Watson
Contact information
Support officer: Stephanie Dunsmuir, Email: