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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest or Connections'

  • Councillor John Cooke - - In relation to item 8.1, Councillor Cooke advised that he knew some of the individuals who were due to speak in relation to the application, however, did not consider the connection required a declaration of interest and indicated he would also remain in the meeting for consideration of the item.
  • Councillor Kate Blake - - In relation to item 6.1, Draft Energy Transition Zone Consultation, Councillor Blake advised that she was a member of Aberdeen Climate Action and a number of the members of the group were also involved with Save St Fitticks, however she was not involved with that group. Therefore she did not consider the connection required a declaration of interest, and indicated that she would remain in the meeting for consideration of the item.
  • Councillor Marie Boulton - - In relation to item 7.4 on the agenda, International School Aberdeen, Councillor Boulton advised that when she was the Planning Convener and before any planning application was submitted, she attended a meeting with all interested parties. However she did not consider the connection required a declaration of interest, and indicated that she would remain in the meeting for consideration of the item.
  • Councillor Miranda Radley - - In relation to item 8.1 on the agenda, land at 10 Queen’s Terrace Aberdeen, Councillor Radley advised that she was a Board Member on Visit Aberdeenshire with the applicant, however she did not consider the connection required a declaration of interest, and indicated that she would remain in the meeting for consideration of the item.