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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Martyn Orchard, tel 01224 523097 or Email: 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.





The Lord Provost thanked everyone involved in Operation Unicorn, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, noting the enormous undertaking and the efforts from everyone involved. 



Urgent Business


The Lord Provost advised that he had accepted a joint notice of motion by Councillors Boulton, Bouse, Henrickson, Hutchison and Macdonald relating to the Belmont Cinema, as a matter of urgency in terms of Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, which would be considered with the notices of motion on the agenda.


The Council resolved:-

to note the position.




Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements


The Lord Provost and Councillor Blake advised that they had a connection in relation to item 9.4 on the agenda (Aberdeen Sports Village Annual Report) by virtue of them being Board Members on Aberdeen Sports Village.  However having applied the objective test they did not consider that they had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillors Fairfull, Greig and Henrickson advised that they had a connection in relation to item 9.3 on the agenda (Aberdeen Performing Arts Annual Report) by virtue of them being Board Members on Aberdeen Performing Arts.  However having applied the objective test they did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Nicoll advised that he had a connection in relation to item 9.5 on the agenda (Bon Accord Care Annual Report) as he had a family member who received care from Bon Accord Care.  However having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Cooke advised that he had a connection in relation to item 9.6 on the agenda (Sport Aberdeen Annual Report) as he was an observer to the Board of Sport Aberdeen.   However having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Hazel Cameron advised that she had a connection in relation to item 9.6 on the agenda (Sport Aberdeen Annual Report) as she was a freelance instructor.  However having applied the objective test she did not consider that she had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Brooks advised that he had a connection in relation to item 9.2 (Appointment of External Advisers to the Anti Poverty and Inequality Committee) by virtue of him being a trustee of a Foodbank.   However, having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Allard advised that he had a connection in relation to item 9.2 (Appointment of External Advisers to the Anti Poverty and Inequality Committee), by virtue of being a Board Member on Community Food Initiatives North East Board (CFINE).  However having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.


Councillor Henrickson advised that he had a connection in relation to item 10.1 (Notice of Motion by the Lord Provost) as is a minor shareholder at Aberdeen Football Club.  However having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.



Minute of Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 24 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 485 KB


The Council had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 24 August 2022, for approval.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.



Minute of Adjourned Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 25 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 612 KB


The Council had before it the minute of the adjourned meeting of 25 August 2022, for approval.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Minute of Meeting of Urgent Business Committee of 13 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 94 KB


The Council had before it the minute of the Urgent Business Committee of 13 September 2022, for approval.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record. 


Council Business Planner pdf icon PDF 144 KB


The Council had before it the business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer - Governance.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove item 5 (B999/Shielhill Road Junction Improvements Project;

(ii)             in relation to item 25 (Union Street Building Condition Survey and George Street Mini Masterplan), to request that officers look at splitting this report into two separate reports for consideration; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the business planner. 


Minute of Meeting of Operational Delivery Committee of 31 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 515 KB


The Council had before it the minute of the Operational Delivery Committee of 31 August 2022, for approval.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Minute of Meeting of Strategic Commissioning Committee of 1 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 205 KB


The Council had before it the minute of the Strategic Commissioning Committee of 1 September 2022, for approval.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Interim Organisational Structure - CUS/22/216 pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which presented the interim structure following the resignation of the Chief Operating Officer, which took into consideration the longer term needs to support the changes from the 2021/22 and 2022/23 Programme of Government.


The report also proposed changes to the way in which specific operational services were managed and delivered, as originally outlined against the Target Operating Model in 2017 and made recommendations for new alignments as part of the overall shift towards the next iteration, TOM 1.2.


The report recommended:-

that the Council –

a)              Amendments to Organisational Structure


1.               agree to make permanent the current interim realignment of clusters in the Council, as follows:

-        Operations & Protective Services Cluster within the Resources Function 

-        People & Organisational Development Cluster within the Customer Function. 

2.               agree the creation of a role of Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services, with a fixed term duration of no later than March 2026 (leaving the Chief Operating Officer role vacant during this period).

3.               agree the reporting structure, where the Chief Education Officer and Chief Officer Children’s Social Work report to the new Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services role.

4.               agree the job profile for the Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services role as attached at Appendix 1.

5.               in accordance with the Workforce Plan and agreed approach to succession planning and development of our internal workforce, agree that this new role be advertised internally within the organisation, in the first instance, and for external recruitment to then take place in a situation where internal recruitment has not been successful.

6.               note that a meeting of the Appointment Panel will be arranged to undertake the selection process for the role on an interim basis.


b)              Target Operating Model and Organisational Structure


7.               in line with the above, thereby agree the adjustment of the key functions of the Council within the Target Operating Model, with Children’s and Family Services being on an interim basis, as follows:

-        Customer

-        Commissioning

-        Children’s and Family Services

-        Resources

8.               instruct the Chief Executive to review the Scottish Government’s preferred structural model for Children’s Services when it is published (anticipated to be later in 2023) and report back to Council, providing advice  on the implications for the Council, and specific proposals in relation to the requirements for the Council’s organisational structure going forward; including the impact on the Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services role.

The Council resolved:-

(i)              in respect of the Target Operating Model to note that of the 18 Chief Officers currently in situ none have identified themselves of being from an Ethnic Minority background;

(ii)             given the low proportion of Ethnic Minority employees in the Council compared to the UK, to agree that everything possible should be done by officers to ensure that employees who are suitably qualified and who identify as Ethnic Minority should be encouraged to apply for these senior posts;

(iii)            to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Appointment of External Advisers to the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee - CUS/22/235 pdf icon PDF 217 KB


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, which provided information on the selection and appointment of the external advisers to the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee.


The report noted that at the meeting on 25 August 2022, the Council delegated authority to the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Governance and the Convener of the Anti- Poverty and Inequality Committee, to determine the process for the selection and appointment of the external advisers to the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee and report back to the next Council meeting to seek approval of the appointments.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)            agree the following non remunerated appointments:

(1)  1 resident of Aberdeen with lived experience of poverty – Evan Adamson;

(2)  Up to 2 people representing the charitable sector in Aberdeen –

a.     Maggie Hepburn, Chief Executive of Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations;

b.     Sophy Green, Chief Executive of Instant Neighbour;

(3)  1 person representing higher and further education in Aberdeen

a.     Dr John Bone, University of Aberdeen;

(4)  1 person representing key interest groups in Aberdeen (that may be appointed for a defined period of time)

a.     To be appointed on a cyclical basis after the first meeting to ensure the person identified has the expertise required to advise the Committee on the issues under discussion; 

(5)  1 public health professional/practitioner who works in Aberdeen

a.      Phil Mackie, Public Health consultant, NHS Grampian; and

(b)            agree the formation of a Working Group of partner agencies and lived experience to support the ongoing work of the Committee.


Councillor Allard, seconded by Councillor Bouse moved:-

That the Council -

  1. note that the SNP/Lib Dem partnership distributed the £1million fund at Operational Delivery Committee on 31 August 2022 in anti-poverty measures, including food provision, energy cost mitigation and employability support;
  2. note that the City Growth & Resource Committee on 21 September 2022, allocated £100k to be invested in winter clothing for school children; and
  3. approve the recommendations contained in the report.  


Councillor Watson, seconded by Councillor Malik, moved as an amendment:-

That the Council –

  1. notes that at the meeting of Full Council on 13 July 2022, the SNP/Lib Dem administration decided to delay distribution of the £1million fund until the Operational Delivery Committee on 31 August 2022 and that Aberdeen Labour’s amendment at this time for the funds to be distributed as soon as possible was unsuccessful. 
  2. notes the recent publishing of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s “Poverty in Scotland 2022” report which highlighted that 18% of people in Scotland have already gone cold and hungry in the Cost-of-Living crisis which supports the recently published Child Poverty Action Report 2021/22 which identified that 21.8% of Aberdeen children were now living in poverty.  
  3. notes that in debate, Councillor Allard, now the Convener of the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee, said, “that the committee will have a very ‘sharp focus’ on the Cost-of-Living crisis” and that, “…October  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Aberdeen Performing Arts Annual Report 2021/2022 - COM/22/229 pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement, which presented the annual report for Aberdeen Performing Arts (APA) covering the financial year 2021/22.


The report recommended:-

that the Council note the Aberdeen Performing Arts Annual Report appended to the report for the Council’s interests.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to express thanks and gratitude to Ms Jane Spiers, who retired from her position as Chief Executive of Aberdeen Performing Arts in July 2022; and to all staff involved with Aberdeen Performing Arts for their efforts over the year;

(ii)             to request that officers consider adding in data from previous years to future reports, in order to show a comparison year on year; and

(iii)            to otherwise approve the recommendation. 




Aberdeen Sports Village Annual Report 2021/2022 - COM/22/230 pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement, which presented the Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) annual review in order to provide the Council with an overview of performance of service delivery by ASV during the financial year 2021/22 (1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022).


The report recommended:-

that the Council note the Aberdeen Sports Village Annual Report appended

to the report for the Council’s interests.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to note that Mr Sinclair would circulate information to members regarding the Evergreen Programme and what area of the city they travelled from to attend the Sports Village;

(ii)             to note that a survey had been issued to service users and staff on how they travel to the Sports Village and any cycling improvements that could be made, and this data would be made available to Members once the data is collected and analysed;

(iii)            to thank all staff from Aberdeen Sports Village for their efforts over the last year; and

(iv)           to otherwise approve the recommendation. 



Bon Accord Care Annual Report 2021/2022 - COM/22/231 pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement, which presented the annual reporting of the Bon Accord Care Business Plan covering financial year 2021/2022.


The report recommended:-

that the Council note the Bon Accord Care Business Plan Annual Report appended to the report for the Council’s interests.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to thank all members of staff from Bon Accord Care for their efforts over the year; and

(ii)             to approve the recommendation. 



Sport Aberdeen Annual Report 2021/2022 - COM/22/232 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Please note there is no Appendix B

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement, which presented the Sport Aberdeen annual review report in order to provide the Council with an overview of performance of service delivery by Sport Aberdeen during financial year 2021/2022.


The report recommended:-

that the Council note the Sport Aberdeen Annual Report appended to the

report for the Council’s interests.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to note that officers would circulate the evaluation on the Free Summer of Play programme to Members in due course;

(ii)             to request that officers provide further information/clarification in respect of Northfield Swimming Pool user figures in Sport Aberdeen’s Key Performance Indicators;

(iii)            to congratulate Sport Aberdeen for being a finalist at an awards ceremony in Glasgow and to note thanks to all staff from Sport Aberdeen for their efforts over the year; and

(iv)           to approve the recommendation. 



Notice of Motion by Lord Provost David Cameron pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Agrees this Council confers the Freedom of the City of Aberdeen on the Aberdeen Football Club team who won the European Cup Winners Cup in 1983.


Agrees that the achievement of this team, which culminated in winning the final in Gothenburg, Sweden in May 1983 by beating Real Madrid, was worthy of recognition.


Agrees that the conferment ceremony should be planned to take place as part of the weekend celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the win from 12th to 14th May 2023 currently being organised by Aberdeen Football Club.



[The notice of motion has been signed by 23 Members of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 12.18, as per the document within the agenda]


The Council had before it a notice of motion by the Lord Provost in the following terms:-


           That the Council:-

(1)           agrees this Council confers the Freedom of the City of Aberdeen on the Aberdeen Football Club team who won the European Cup Winners Cup in 1983;

(2)           agrees that the achievement of this team, which culminated in winning the final in Gothenburg, Sweden in May 1983 by beating Real Madrid, was worthy of recognition; and

(3)           agrees that the conferment ceremony should be planned to take place as part of the weekend celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the win from 12th to 14th May 2023 currently being organised by Aberdeen Football Club.


The Lord Provost advised that he was withdrawing his notice of motion and would resubmit it to the December meeting of Council.


The Council resolved:-

to note that the notice of motion had been withdrawn.



Notice of Motion by Councillor Houghton

1.    To suspend Standing Order 12.18 to consider the notice of motion.

2.    Notes the History of Aberdeen Football Club from its beginnings on 14th April 1903 following the merger of the three city clubs Aberdeen, Victoria United and Orion.

3.    Notes Aberdeen Football Club are one of Scotland’s most successful football teams, with 17 major domestic trophy wins: four League titles, seven Scottish Cups and six Scottish League Cups as well as winning both the European Cup Winners’ Cup and Super Cup in 1983.

4.    Notes that Aberdeen Football Club will be 120 years old on 14th April 2023.

5.    Notes Aberdeen Football Club are the only Scottish club to have won 2 European Trophies

6.    Notes that 11th May 2023 will be the 40th Anniversary of the day Aberdeen Football Club won the European Cup Winners’ Cup, beating 7 times European Cup winners Real Madrid by 2 goals to 1 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

7.    Notes that Aberdeen Football Club’s success in 1983 really united the city and its residents.

8.    Notes the team that won the European Cup Winners’ Cup, Leighton, McMaster, Rougvie, Miller, McLeish, Cooper, Weir, Strachan, Simpson, Black and McGhee and Hewitt.

9.    Notes that these players will remain immortal in the history of Aberdeen and Aberdeen Football Club as the Gothenburg greats.

10. In light of 2-9 above, Council agrees to honour Aberdeen Football Club in its 120th year and 40th year since Gothenburg with the Freedom of our City in 2023.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Houghton in the following terms:-


           That Council –


(1)            suspend Standing Order 12.18 to consider the notice of motion;

(2)            notes the History of Aberdeen Football Club from its beginnings on 14th April 1903 following the merger of the three city clubs Aberdeen, Victoria United and Orion;

(3)            notes Aberdeen Football Club are one of Scotland’s most successful football teams, with 17 major domestic trophy wins: four League titles, seven Scottish Cups and six Scottish League Cups as well as winning both the European Cup Winners’ Cup and Super Cup in 1983;

(4)            notes that Aberdeen Football Club will be 120 years old on 14th April 2023;

(5)            notes Aberdeen Football Club are the only Scottish club to have won 2 European Trophies;

(6)            notes that 11th May 2023 will be the 40th Anniversary of the day Aberdeen Football Club won the European Cup Winners’ Cup, beating 7 times European Cup winners Real Madrid by 2 goals to 1 in Gothenburg, Sweden;

(7)            notes that Aberdeen Football Club’s success in 1983 really united the city and its residents;

(8)            notes the team that won the European Cup Winners’ Cup, Leighton, McMaster, Rougvie, Miller, McLeish, Cooper, Weir, Strachan, Simpson, Black and McGhee and Hewitt;

(9)            notes that these players will remain immortal in the history of Aberdeen and Aberdeen Football Club as the Gothenburg greats; and

(10)         in light of 2-9 above, Council agrees to honour Aberdeen Football Club in its 120th year and 40th year since Gothenburg with the Freedom of our City in 2023.


The Council resolved:-

to note that Councillor Houghton had withdrawn his Notice of Motion.



Notice of Motion by Councillor Houghton

1.    Notes the decision of the Urgent Business Committee of 13th September 2022 that the Council:

1.    Expresses great sadness at the death of Queen Elizabeth II

2.    Acknowledges the close bond that existed between Queen Elizabeth II and the North East

3.    Notes the many tributes that have been paid to Queen Elizabeth II by citizens of Aberdeen, which have included recognition of her faithful commitment to duty and devotion to the country and its people.

4.    Extends its condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, and to the entire Royal Family

5.    Instructs officers to make arrangements for people to be able to complete a physical Book of Remembrance at either Marischal College or the Central Library.

2.    Agrees that to remember and commemorate the relationship of our late Queen with Aberdeen that ‘Union Terrace Gardens’ be renamed ‘The Queen Elizabeth II Gardens’ at its formal opening as a tribute to 70 years of unblemished service to our nation, and that any cost be met from the existing Union Terrace Gardens redevelopment budget and available existing project contingencies.

3.    Agrees that the Lord Provost should extend an invitation to the Palace with a view to a Royal Opening of the gardens to occur in 2023.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Houghton in the following terms:-


           That the Council:-


(a)           notes the decision of the Urgent Business Committee of 13th September 2022 that the Council;

(1)  expresses great sadness at the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

(2)  acknowledges the close bond that existed between Queen Elizabeth II and the North East.

(3)  notes the many tributes that have been paid to Queen Elizabeth II by citizens of Aberdeen, which have included recognition of her faithful commitment to duty and devotion to the country and its people.

(4)  extends its condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, and to the entire Royal Family.

(5)  instructs officers to make arrangements for people to be able to complete a physical Book of Remembrance at either Marischal College or the Central Library.

(b)           agrees that to remember and commemorate the relationship of our late Queen with Aberdeen that ‘Union Terrace Gardens’ be renamed ‘The Queen Elizabeth II Gardens’ at its formal opening as a tribute to 70 years of unblemished service to our nation, and that any cost be met from the existing Union Terrace Gardens redevelopment budget and available existing project contingencies.

(c)           agrees that the Lord Provost should extend an invitation to the Palace with a view to a Royal Opening of the gardens to occur in 2023.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Communities Housing and Public Protection Committee.



Notice of Motion by Councillor Kusznir

That the Council:

(a)  commends the work of Bon Accord Heritage SCIO (Charity No.: SC046052);

(b)  welcomes that politicians from all political parties in Aberdeen have expressed their support for the restoration and reopening of Bon Accord Baths;

(c)  understands that Bon Accord Heritage SCIO is working to bring Bon Accord Baths back into public use through a purchase or lease agreement with Aberdeen City Council and the financial support of other partners;

(d)  understands from Bon Accord Heritage SCIO that the in-principle official support by Aberdeen City Council to the restoration of Bon Accord Baths is a requirement for Bon Accord Heritage SCIO to access other sources of funding, including but limited to grant funding, which is essential to the ultimate restoration of the building;

(e)  instructs the Chief Executive, or other appropriate nominated officer, to formally confirm that Aberdeen City Council supports in principle the restoration of Bon Accord Baths; and

(f)   agrees to assist Bon Accord Heritage SCIO in accessing available external funding opportunities.



The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Kusznir in the following terms:-


           That the Council:-


(a)           commends the work of Bon Accord Heritage SCIO (Charity No.: SC046052);

(b)           welcomes that politicians from all political parties in Aberdeen have

expressed their support for the restoration and reopening of Bon Accord Baths;

(c)           understands that Bon Accord Heritage SCIO is working to bring Bon Accord Baths back into public use through a purchase or lease agreement with Aberdeen City Council and the financial support of other partners;

(d)           understands from Bon Accord Heritage SCIO that the in-principle official support by Aberdeen City Council to the restoration of Bon Accord Baths is a requirement for Bon Accord Heritage SCIO to access other sources of funding, including but limited to grant funding, which is essential to the ultimate restoration of the building;

(e)           instructs the Chief Executive, or other appropriate nominated officer, to formally confirm that Aberdeen City Council supports in principle the restoration of Bon Accord Baths; and

(f)             agrees to assist Bon Accord Heritage SCIO in accessing available external funding opportunities.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Communities Housing and Public Protection Committee.



Notice of Motion by Councillor Macdonald

That Council -


Notes the announcement on 22 September that Stoneywood Mill has been put into Administration, and that over 300 staff have been made redundant;


Recalls the actions taken by the City Council working with Scottish Ministers and other partners in 2019, to prevent such an outcome at Stoneywood Mill by supporting a management buy-out;


Commends the workforce and its trade union Unite for their commitment to the Mill and their continuing efforts to protect jobs and to sustain the dynamism and diversity of the local economy in Aberdeen;


Recognises  in particular the impact on the local communities on Donside, where Stoneywood Mill has been a major employer for over 250 years; and


Commits to working with Unite, Scottish Ministers and other partners to secure the best possible outcome for the business and its workforce, and calls for an urgent report from the Chief Officer - City Growth at the earliest opportunity to outline options available including taking Stoneywood Mill into public ownership.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Macdonald in the following terms:-


           That the Council:-


(a)           notes the announcement on 22 September that Stoneywood Mill has been put into Administration, and that over 300 staff have been made redundant;

(b)           recalls the actions taken by the City Council working with Scottish Ministers and other partners in 2019, to prevent such an outcome at Stoneywood Mill by supporting a management buy-out;

(c)           commends the workforce and its trade union Unite for their commitment to the Mill and their continuing efforts to protect jobs and to sustain the dynamism and diversity of the local economy in Aberdeen;

(d)           recognises in particular the impact on the local communities on Donside, where Stoneywood Mill has been a major employer for over 250 years; and

(e)           commits to working with Unite, Scottish Ministers and other partners to secure the best possible outcome for the business and its workforce, and calls for an urgent report from the Chief Officer - City Growth at the earliest opportunity to outline options available including taking Stoneywood Mill into public ownership.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Finance and Resources Committee, with a verbal update to be provided from officers due to the fluid and changing situation.



Urgent Notice of Motion - Belmont Cinema - Councillors Boulton, Bouse, Henrickson, Hutchison and Macdonald pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Council had before it a joint urgent notice of motion by Councillors Boulton, Bouse, Henrickson, Hutchison and Macdonald in the following terms:-


           That the Council:-


(1)           notes the announcement on 6 October 2022 that the Centre for the Moving Image (CMI), the charity that operated The Belmont Cinema in Aberdeen has gone into Administration with the loss of 22 jobs;

(2)           acknowledges the efforts of staff at the Belmont Cinema in contributing to the cultural offering of the city;

(3)           agrees that the Belmont Filmhouse plays a number of important roles supporting accessible and inclusive cultural cinema across the North East, while also making significant contributions to people's lives in local communities in Aberdeen.

(4)           notes that Aberdeen City Council owns the property that the Belmont Cinema operated from.

(5)           notes that the Chief Officer - City Growth is in contact with the administrators, the Save the Belmont Cinema campaign group, Creative Scotland, Scottish Government and other stakeholders to explore whether there are potential options for the sustainable operation of the Belmont Cinema; and

(6)           instructs Chief Officer – City Growth to report back to the next appropriate committee on any developments and the implications for the Council.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Finance and Resources Committee, with a verbal update to be provided from officers due to the fluid and changing situation.

-        DAVID CAMERON, Lord Provost